Freya has created a brilliant model of the solar system using wooden disks and paint. She has researched each of the planets to ensure she had the correct colours as well as adding facts to the back of each. Fantastic work Freya!
Crew Barnett: Hook Week Activities
We had a busy week last week immersing our class into our new expedition – How does movement affect the world? Take a look at what we have been up to.
Reception: Crew Wallace, Adventure Bear
We would like to introduce our very own Crew Bear! As part of our Expeditionary learning today we have made our very own bear, the children decided to name him Adventure Bear.
We put in his stuffing all by ourselves and we even gave him a heart, We all gave the heart a squeeze or a kiss so that there is a bit of all of us in our Crew bear!
Adventure bear will be going home with one of our children every Friday, whose turn will it be this week???
We will keep you posted………………..
Mrs Wallace
Y6 – Class 16 lost in space
Today, we have worked collaboratively to model how the earth, sun and moon relate to one another. We used torches to explore how the seasons and day/night occur during different times of the day or year. We then presented our models back to the class. Well done everyone – some fabulous new knowledge in action!
Hook Week Highlights
Here are some photographs with some of the things we got up to last week to immerse our classroom – it’s now looking fab! We have already made a great start to Case Study 1 – keep a look out for some of our fab learning! 🚀🪐
Y4 Evacuation Day!
We had a great experience day yesterday pretending to be evacuees from World War 2. We walked to the church and imagined we had been transported to the 1940s! When we got to the church, Mrs Raper shared some interesting stories about her mum’s experience of WW2 and evacuation.
We imagined what it would be like to have to go to new homes with new families to escape the bombs and wrote postcards home to our loved ones! We also thought about what we would pack in our suitcase which was a very interesting discussion!
Y3/4 Visit Reminder
Just a reminder that Year 3 and 4 will be visiting Thorne Methodist on Thursday morning. The children are invited to dress up as an evacuee as part of our learning on World War 2 if they would like. Children will require a packed lunch to take with them as we will eat lunch there as part of the experience. FSM children will receive a lunch from school.
Thank you
Year 3/4
Year 4 PE
Year 4 PE sessions will take place on Monday afternoons. Children will need to fetch their PE kits to get changed into.
Please be reminded that Green Top’s PE kit is black bottoms (shorts or long bottoms), a green t-shirt and trainers. Year 4 will be outside so children may wish to bring a black or green jacket ready for when the weather gets cooler.
Thank you
Miss Knowles and Mr Taylor
Crew Building in Miss Barnett’s Class
On Tuesday, we made Spaghetti and Marshmallow Bridges. We had to build a structure to see how many ping pong balls it would hold. We had to work collaboratively and make sure that everyone in our team was having a go. Freya said, “It was a difficult challenge but it was nice to work as a team and collaborate together.” After that, we went outside and played Cops and Robbers with Miss Myer’s class and we all played together.
On Wednesday, we completed the paper challenge. The aim was to hold as many pieces of paper as possible. We took it in turns to be the captain and give directions to our teammates.
On Thursday, we played everyone is it. Eve said, “It was hard to dodge everyone else because if you weren’t fast enough they would dig you first.” “It was hard to decide who was tug first,” said Kianna. Crystal said it was very challenging but it was fun.
In maths, we have been doing arithmetic starters. We worked together to do a range of problem solving activities. We have also been thinking about the best part of us. We wrote a draft and then wrote it on the chrome books. We have also learnt about community and the different communities we are part of.
All week, we have been singing our crew song. On Friday, we completed an escape room maths challenge.
Written by the children of Crew Barnett
Crew Schon – Team Building
In Crew Schon we enjoyed our team building day so much hat we continued the activities throughout the week in our crew sessions. We learned lots of skills that we can apply to our everyday activities. We learned that communication is the key to success.
A big shout-out to Joe who was fantastic at communicating his ideas to his team. Just noticed every time something was going wrong and communicated this to his team. Also a shout out to Elea who was also confident to communicate her ideas to her team mates.
A Shout-out to Ivy-Ray, Spencer, Eden, Harper, Ava-Leigh and George. Their entire team was involved in the problem solving and they were the fastest team to organise their gutters effectively. They easily adapted when the activity was changed slightly.