Nursery – Kindness wands

Today we went for an Autumn walk to collect sticks and leaves. The children then practised their scissor skills to snip leaf confetti. Using the sticks we attached cardboard stars using tape and decorated them with our leaf confetti and added a touch of glitter to add a little magic and sparkle.

Our wands resemble kindness and that we all have kindness magic inside of us. How will you spread kindness today?

American Themed Day. . . part 2

We also had the opportunity to learn some line dancing in the hall with Mrs Raynor. It was tricky in some parts but we all did our best and it was amazing!!

Shout out to Mrs Raynor for teaching us how to line dance and for making our morning so exciting and special.

Well done everyone.

Mrs Wallace

American Themed Day

Wow!Wow!Wow! What an exciting day we had today! We were all dressed up in red, white and blue. We began our day with a bit of rock music courtesy of Mr Pickles and his guitar. We had a great time dancing and cheering to all of his songs.

We enjoyed the music! Big shout out to Mr Pickles for a great start to the day!

Mrs Wallace

Reception PJ and Story Day.

On Wednesday, we had our Pyjama and story day. We had so much fun sharing our favourite books that we had brought from home with our friends.

As it was reading week, we even had time for some story yoga!

What a wonderful day!

Mrs Wallace

Pyjama Day in Nursery

The children are having a lovely day in Nursery having a teddy bears picnic and explaining why their teddies are special to them. Mrs Hay and Mrs Burton even brought and talked about their very old teddies too!

Reading Week in Reception

We have been embracing everything reading this week to celebrate Reading Week. Yesterday we enjoyed visits from the school council to read us a story and Mrs Shaw came to read to us too!! We have been so lucky!

We have also been trying lots of reading activities in our classroom provision this week and we have enjoyed reading our Expedition text ‘The smartest giant in town.’

We have lots more things to do to celebrate our Reading and we can’t wait for our Pyjama day tomorrow.

Don’t forget to bring your stories to share with your friends.

Mrs Wallace

Reading Week in Reception

We were so lucky that we had some older children from further up school come to read us some stories in our classroom.

We had so much fun listening and thought that the girls were very brave to come and read to a whole class of children.

Well done everyone, we really enjoyed it
Mrs Wallace

Nursery Phonics Week 6

This week in phonics we will be looking at the nursery rhyme ‘Twinkle twinkle’. The children will be singing the nursery rhyme, listening for rhyming words and clapping out syllables in the words such as s-k-y and s-t-ar.

I wonder – can you practise this rhyme with your child at home and listed for the rhyming words throughout?

Nursery – We can count!

The children have been working hard to represent numbers to 10 in different ways. The children have been working hard to practise their counting skills with objects.

I wonder… Can you practise counting objects at home? E.g 10 cars, 10 leaves, 10 sticks… take a photo and send it in to [email protected]

Mrs Hay x

Nursery – Dogger by Shirley Hughes

The nursery children enjoyed reading the story Dogger. Some children chose to draw the main character and talk about why he was special in the story. Other children chose to reenact the toy stall scene in the book using the role play toys.

Awesome work Nursery Crew! It is wonderful to see you linking the stories we have read to your play.