On Friday, our bread baking bonanza continued. All of the grown ups have been so impressed at how well the children followed instructions and helped measure ingredients to bake beautiful and delicious bread. You are all super duper bakers and we’re very proud of you!
Last week in our expedition lessons we learnt about food groups. The children loved learning about the different categories of food and continued their learning in their play by drawing foods into the correct group. Awesome work everybody! Well done! What a bunch of Motivated Moes!
Charlotte has had a very busy and exiting weekend and wanted to share with us everything she has been up to. Charlotte has been so enthusiastic about her gardening and growing. Her cress has grown and the radishes she planted have started to grow now too.
Ava collected her tap, ballet and modern medals this weekend from her exam back in January. She’s very proud of herself and we certainly are too! Well done Ava! This is a fantastic achievement.
Jackson was awarded this certificate for being an amazing listener in talk time. Well done – you are a real Can do Colin!
Crew Wallace looked awesome for pyjamarama day, it was so lovely to see all of the amazing costumes. I hope you all had lots of fun!
Mrs Wallace
Millie! For always working so hard, getting smart and being so kind to everyone. You are wonderful ⭐️
Well done to you all!
Our little stars have been at it again, following instructions to bake more delicious bread! The children mastered skills such as mixing, rolling, kneading and shaping. Well done everyone!
Well done to Nevaeh for being so kind today by helping her friends tidy up their mess without being asked! ⭐️