We have been thinking about Length and Height in maths today and Martha used a measuring worm to measure some different objects in the environment. We were using lots of great vocabulary-amazing!
As part of our Expedition Learning we had an Indian dance workshop today in Reception!It was amazing!! The children were very enthusiastic, attentive and we all had so much fun! Hopefully they will share with you all some of the dance moves that we learned.
Well done everyone!
Mrs Wallace 😊
Today we had lots of fun doing Literacy Labs in F2.
We worked together as a crew to find out about a book and what we though might happen, We wrote some lists for our birthday cake ingredients and even made some decorations and paper chains!
What a day!
Well done everyone
Mrs Wallace 😊
What an amazing first week back we have had in F2! So proud of all the children for their amazing attitude and following our Crew and Class Norms!
We have been focusing on Crew and how we can work together, the children were amazing at completing our balloon crew challenge!
We can’t wait for the next week to begin
Mrs Wallace 😊
Fabulous array work today guys.
Well done to our postcard and text message children today.
Keep on being awesome!
Who are these mature, polite little people in my classroom?
I am blown away by how well the new class 6 have settled into their year 1 activities. You are all awesome!
Have a look at the photographs of our first 4 postcard winners and a selection of our activities so far.
Jackson is on fire at the moment! A big well done for a week filled with wonderful work! ⭐️
Jude has been having golf lessons and has been working really hard to improve his skills. He recently won in a mini tournament!
Well done Jude! We are really proud of you!
A big well done to Charlotte, Jude, Matilda, Martha, Myles and Reuben for being this weeks HoWL point winners! You are all stars! ⭐️ Keep up working hard, being kind and getting smart!
Charlotte wanted to be like her mummy this evening and worked on her laptop. She practised writing her name and some CVC words. Then she did some additions and double learning. Charlotte learnt how to use the shift key to create an add sign and how to delete. She said she is ready to be a teacher now!
We think you are too, Charlotte! Well done for all of your hard work! You are amazing! 10 HoWL points have been added to your Class Dojo! 👏🏻⭐️