Nursery – Creating woodlands for our bears

Yesterday, the children and Nursery had a wonderful time creating their own woodland trays for their bears to live in as part of our expedition learning ’How do we care for bears?’ The children explored natural objects in our environment to make their trays and drew their own bears to add in. The children even added porridge oats to feed them. Well done Nursery! We are so proud of you for your creativeness, innovation and imagination!

Nursery – Wonderful counting skills!

The adults in Nursery were so proud of the children yesterday and how hard they worked touch counting objects. The children quickly learnt that counting objects is a much easier task when the objects are in a line rather than a heap. They then went on to touch count each object to find the correct amount.

Well done Nursery – you are all shining stars!

I wonder… What else can you count at home?

Nursery – Calling for Family Photos

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week we are kindly asking for each child to bring a family photo to Nursery for us to share together as part of our expedition learning and to display in our classroom.

Please pass the photo on to a member of the team this week.

Many thanks,

The Nursery Team. 🙂

Nursery – Naming of possessions

Dear parents and carers,

Please make sure your child’s clothing, water bottles, packed lunches and any other items they bring to Nursery are clearly named. We are currently experiencing a lot of children’s possessions going missing.

Many thanks for your support with this.

The Nursery Team 🙂

Reception PJ and Story Day

We had a very cosy day in F2 today! We all wore our pyjamas and shared lots of stories with our teddy bears. We were so lucky that some children from further up school came to read to us and we shared stories with our friends.

We had lots of fun!

Well done Reception Crew for being amazing again!

Mrs Wallace x

Reception: Fabulous Family Learning!

Today we had our F2 Family Learning. The children were very excited to share in some amazing bear related activities with their grown ups. Everyone was engaged and working hard!

A huge thank you to everybody who supported our children today, it really did make it even more special to share those memories with you all.

Well done Reception Crew

Mrs Wallace, Mrs Jones and Miss Carter x