Nursery World Book Day


If your child attends Nursery on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning and they would like to come to Nursery in the morning dressed in their favourite book character costume or fancy dress they are welcome to. We are aware that they will miss the official World Book Day on Thursday.

We look forward to seeing the wonderful costumes over the next couple of days.

Mrs Hay & Mrs Burton

Bulb Planting

As part of Case Study 2 of our Expedition How do things grow and change? We have been planting our very own bulbs in our F2 outdoor area. We will be using the knowledge and skills that we have learned through Case Study 2 to look after our bulbs and look forward to watching them grow.

Well done Reception!

We will keep you updated, watch this space 😊

Reception Team x

Welcome Back Nursery Crew!

Welcome back Nursery! We’ve had a lovely first day. Lots of play, laughter and fun! Play-dough in the sunshine, caring for babies, painting, creating safari worlds, exploring capacity in the sand and role play baking with lentils. I wonder what tomorrow will bring…

We’re in Thorne Times for our charity work…

Here is the article in Thorne Times to celebrate last terms learning for ’How do we care for bears?’

Although all of the children couldn’t be in the photograph, we are very proud of each and every child in the EYFS Crew for their beautiful and kind work.

Well done everyone!

Nursery Disco

If your child’s last morning in Nursery is tomorrow, they are welcome to come to Nursery in party clothes should they choose. We will be holding a disco in class for them before going home at 11.30 am.

For all other children who are usually in school on Thursday, the Nursery and Reception disco will be held in school hours 2-2.45 pm. Parents do not need to attend and can collect from the Nursery doors as usual. The tickets are £1 and will include a hot dog snack. Children may come to Nursery in their party clothes.

If you have any further questions, please speak to Mrs Hay or Mrs Burton on the door.