Crew Council – Visit to the play park construction site!

Today, KS2 Crew Council visited the site to observe the construction process! The children engaged with the construction team, viewed operational machinery and interacted in discussions about the development. The children were even lucky enough to have their photographs taken on the diggers and we saw how deep the holes are by putting Reeva and Vinnie inside them!
We can’t wait until it’s finished at the end of March!

Crew Council / Extended Study- Kindness Week!

Before half term, Crew Council delivered some personalised kindness stones to show their appreciation for members of staff in school.

We spoke about how this links to our Character Trait of Compassion and how it was a rewarding experience for both those handing them out and for those receiving them.

Linking to Kindness Week – I wonder if you could show some compassion and kindness throughout this week?

You could:

  • Help tidy around the house
  • Be a good steward in the classroom
  • Shoutout for a crew member for something that they have done
  • Show your appreciation to someone in school or at home

I can’t wait to see lots of kindness and compassion around school!

e-Safety Orienteering!

Thank you to everyone who attended the e-Safety orienteering session yesterday afternoon. Although the weather wasn’t great and it limited the amount of space we were able to use, the children remained enthusiastic and did their best to make sure they could find every answer. A big thank you as well to some of our crew councillors and digital leaders who were able to help assist and capture photos from the event. Well done to everyone involved!

If you didn’t manage to attend yesterday, why don’t you have a go on here and see what score you get? You can access the questions and answer sheet from the slideshow below.

Crew Council – Thorne Council Meeting

This afternoon, our KS2 Crew Councillors met with some members of Thorne council to discuss the upcoming plans for Thorne Memorial Park. They were really excited to get an insight into what the new play area is going to look like and enjoyed sharing ideas of what they would like to see in our local park.

We are really excited to continue working with the Council on the run up to the grand opening and getting our KS1 Crew Councillors involved too!

Christmas Card Packs – Crew Council

Yesterday, some of our KS2 Crew Councillors turned into Cheeky Christmas Elves and began making some personalised ‘Make your own Christmas card packs’ that will be sold to children from next week.

Children will be able to purchase a pack for 50p. Each pack comes with a plain Christmas card, envelope, some stickers and some Christmas themed paper. This is so children can decorate and make a Christmas card for someone at home.

Green Top Kindness Advent Calendar