KS1 are hooked on opera!

What a fantastic hook back into our learning after the half term holidays we enjoyed this afternoon. Mr Lamb, who had already given us the benefit of his expert knowledge about castles earlier in the year, came into school to explain what being an opera singer entails. He talked us through the process of learning and practising a song, and showed us the costumes and make-up he wears when performing. We joined in with some vocal exercises before Mr. Lamb performed part of ‘Toreador’ from the opera, Carmen. The children were transfixed! They then were allowed to try on some of the hats and masks that Mr Lamb wears. What an amazing experience. Thank you so much Mr Lamb.

Year 2 kixx after half term

Year 2 children will be starting Kixx on Monday 20th February, straight after half term. Please can you make sure that the children have suitable clothing for this…an outdoor PE kit with trainers would be perfect. This will replace their current Thursday PE session for this half term. XP Outdoors will continue on a Thursday next half term too.

Have a lovely half term, from the year 2 team x x

World Book Day

Green Top will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March and this will be a dress up event.

We can’t wait to see which book character you decide to be but please don’t feel that you have to buy a costume – we love seeing the homemade ones!

Save the date - World Book Day | World Book Day is a registered charity.  Our mission is to give every child and young person a book of their own.

Y2 TTRockstars!

WOW what a week it has been for TTRockstars in year 2! In class 8, Macky was our class winner, racking up nearly 7,000 coins! However Charlie W smashed it right out of the park for class 9 with a WHOPPING 12,457 coins!!!

There has been so much fun and engagement with the whole thing and it is wonderful to see so many children loving practising their times tables. If you haven’t been on yet, give it a go! You might even beat Charlie and Macky….. I wonder who will win the competition next week…

Maths Week Challenge 5

Today is NSPCC Number Day and TTRockstars are holding an NSPCC Rocks event! Support our school by logging in to your TTRockstars and taking part! The competition is open until 7.30pm.

If you don’t have a TTRockstars account you could play other online games on websites such as Hit the Button or Maths Frame!

Have fun!

Year 2 accelerated reader

Today some children in year 2 began their accelerated reading journey. They completed their star reader test and will be using them once a week to access books that they have read in class. Can’t wait to see the improvement in their comprehension and reading skills!

Mrs Shaw x

Maths Week Challenge 3

What does 100 look like?

Choose a random object from your house and count out 100! Will you choose to count 100 pasta pieces, 100 pieces of cereal of even 100 socks!? Be as creative as you want to be and let’s see what 100 looks like!

If you can, put your 100 items in a bag and fetch them to show your teachers! Remember you can always send photographs to your teachers or to [email protected]

Some more examples might include:

25+ Things to Count to 100 - Creative Family Fun

We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Maths Week Challenge 1

Work together to see how many maths words you can think of for each letter of the alphabet! I’ll let you into a secret … J is a very tricky letter so I’ll be super impressed if anyone thinks of a maths word starting with J!

Please send your responses to [email protected] and / or bring them in to show your teachers!

We can’t wait to see how many words you come up with and who has the most creative words!

Math Alphabet Posters | Focus on Math

Be a Times Table Superstar in year 1 and 2!

We are very excited to announce that we are launching Times Table Rockstars for our classes! Your child will be coming home this evening with login details for an exciting game to help them with their times tables. Your child’s class teacher will have set tables to practise in the garage section of the game. The more they play in this section the faster they will progress through the tables they need to learn. We will be checking the ‘heat map’ each week to see your child’s progress and move them to the next table once they have learned the one they have been set. You can set your own tables in the jamming section but try to stick to ones the children are currently learning…2s, 5s and 10s for year 1 and 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s for year 2. I have attached a video here and a letter here which will give you more information about the game and it’s different levels.

Any questions please see your child’s class teacher.