year 2 treat

Year 2 enjoyed a well deserved treat today because of their fantastic efforts whilst completing their SATs recently. We are so proud of how they have handled them and we can’t wait to share the results with you all soon!

Well done year 2…you are all superstars x x

Key stage 1 product launch

Some key stage 1 children went to the library today to launch our castle product. The librarians were amazing and made us feel so welcome! We read some books, completed some wordsearches and enjoyed the walk to the library! The children worked so hard on the product and they loved seeing it out in the community.

If you are passing the library, why not pop in and see it!

Well done key stage 1, have a fabulous half term!

Mrs Shaw x x

Key stage 1 castle product

Year 1 and 2 have put their amazing castle that they created using their new design and technology skills, into our local community. It has pride of place at the entrance to Thorne library and some children will be going next week to take a photograph for their product launch!

If you would like to go and visit the castle, why not sign up for a library card at the same time!

Well done key stage 1…what great work!

Mrs Shaw and the key stage 1 team x x

Class 8 family learning

Last week we had an amazing opportunity to celebrate the Kings Coronation, as part of our expedition this term, where we are looking at our journeys. We have been researching King Charles III, his life and how his journey has culminated in his reign of the United Kingdom. To celebrate, we held an afternoon of craft, chat and even a little bit of afternoon tea style food too! It really was fantastic to see everyone collaborating and getting crafty.

KS1 Community Crew

Last week we had another round of amazing achievements in KS1. HOWL point winners who have been working hard, getting smart and being kind, stewardship shoutouts for people going above and beyond for their crew. Crew Shaw won the attendance too, Imogen is so proud to represent her crew!

Huge shoutout to Ruby, who has managed to hit 170 reads!! Don’t forget to write in your reading diary every single time you read to get those certificates.

Some wonderful hard work going on at home too, with celebrations for those children with the highest scores in both Numbots and TTRockstars. Remember to get playing!! If you need a reminder of your log in, just ask your class teacher!

Finally, a magnificent well done to our Out Of This World winners this week, as you can see the children are always SO proud of themselves and its fantastic to see. Keep up the hard work, KS1!

KS1 Community Crew Meeting

WOW what a brilliant first community crew meeting of the Summer term! We have had some awesome stewardship shoutouts, amazing HOWL point winners, even some reading certificates earned too. Most importantly, we have had some hard working Out Of This World winners too!

These young people have been working so hard to be kind, work hard AND get smart and we are all so proud of them!

Finally, a HUGE shoutout to Crew Cooper for getting 100% attendance this last week too, they will get to display Paddington the Attendance bear proudly in their crew room!