Class 8: Hinduism

Class 8 have learnt a lot about Hinduism today. They read the story Rama and Sita and then looked at rangoli patterns. Most Hindu households have rangoli patterns at the entrance to their home as they are thought to bring good luck and prosperity to their families. Some children used paints, others used pegs and boards, whilst others coloured in rangoli patterns. Well done class 8 for some great listening and learning today. I will be checking on Monday that you have remembered anything about the religion Hinduism?

have a lovely weekend x

Crew Knowles: Faith Day 2

Crew Knowles really enjoyed learning about Hinduism as part of our faith day today. We looked at some of the definitions of key vocabulary related to Hinduism such as karma, dharma and reincarnation. We then researched some of the different Hindu gods and goddesses which was really interesting!

Sharing our Stories: 08/11/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

Jeff Tech High

This October half term, 9 members of staff from across XP Trust travelled to San Diego to work with the best project based learning teacher in the world – Jeff Robin. Each teacher brought with them a personally crafted exemplar – a tangible product of their passion and planning – to refine and inspire transformative future Expeditions.

Inspired by Jeff’s groundbreaking work at High Tech High, the school that inspired XP, they sought to elevate their teaching through creativity, activism, and lasting legacy. Away from the familiar, they embraced new ideas in a setting that ignited their imagination…

Stay tuned for the full length documentary and story of Jeff Tech High…

Green Top’s new Sensory Room!

Stay & Play at Carcroft!

Open Day @ Norton Infants

Top of the Blogs

Fun in the autumn leaves @ Norton Infants

Investigation Friction @ Green Top

Fieldwork Explorers @ Plover

Air Resistance – Parachutes @ Carcroft School

Celebrating 70 Years of Lord of the Flies @ XP School

Norton Remembers @ Norton Juniors

Beautiful Work from Danny in G28 @ XP Gateshead

Crew White Supports the Eve Merton Trust @ XP East

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Crew Spetch – Bikeability Group 1

This week, the first group from our crew have enjoyed completing Bikeability and have all successfully completed the course. It was amazing to watch all of their confidence grow over the two days and see them confidently and safely riding their bikes through Thorne. I’m so proud of you all – lots to smile about!

Year 1: Phonics Family Learning

We would like to invite parents of Year 1 children to join our Phonics and Shared Reading lessons for a day. This will be a live lesson with a teacher delivering the normal daily lesson to a group of children. You are invited to observe the lesson and to partner up with your child so they can show you the skills they are learning. As this is a live lesson we are unfortunately unable to allow any younger siblings into the classrooms for these sessions.

This session will be useful for parents/carers to see how children learn phonics in school and how they learn to read and write. This will help parents understand how they can support children at home with their school reading books.

As we have 4 phonics groups these sessions will need to take place over two days:

Tuesday 12th November – Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers phonics groups

Wednesday 13th November – Miss Cooper and Mrs Clay’s phonics groups

Your child will bring a letter home tomorrow highlighting which day you are able to attend.

The session will run from 9am-10am. Tea and coffee will be available in the school hall after 8:30am for parents to wait for the sessions to begin. Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers will also be available at 10am after the sessions have finished if you have any further questions or concerns.

We kindly ask that you arrive to the lesson promptly as late comers will impact on the children’s learning.

We hope you can make it!

Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers

EYFS Presentation of Learning


Next week, on Wednesday 13th November the EYFS children would like to invite their grown-ups (maximum 2 per child) to their presentation of learning for our Expedition ‘How do we show we care?’.

The Ash Tree Road entrance will be open from 1.45 pm for grown-ups to get refreshments before the children come through. Children will then come to the hall to share their learning with you. The children cannot wait for you to see all their hard work!

Please can children come to school in their smart/party clothes.