Here are the spellings Year 5 are focusing on this week. You can help at home by practicing with your child.
Here are the spellings Year 5 are focusing on this week. You can help at home by practicing with your child.
Over the next two weeks we are focusing on the spelling suffix able/ible/ably/ibly. At the end of next week we will have a mini test on the following words.
considerable noticeable acceptable. noticeably. reasonably
accessible legible possible. possibly. horribly
Watch the video below to remind yourself of the spelling rules.
This year, we are working hard to raise money to develop our reading for pleasure library so firstly, we would like to say a huge thank you for all your sponsors from the colour run which will go along way to helping us!
Secondly, we still need your help! We would love for you to help us design the library based on the space we have to use which is the foyer area near the hall.
Please design your ideal library and share your plans with Miss Knowles in person or at [email protected] This is for everyone across school to get involved in! Please send your plans by 7th October.
We can’t wait to see your fantastic ideas which will help us design the perfect library!
Here are the spellings that we have been learning about this week:
This week, Year 5 have continued to practise words from the Y5/6 statutory list, including those we have practised before but which need further consolidation. Don’t forget to bring in any evidence of your home practice so that you can add up those HoWL points back in class!
Here are this week’s spellings for you to practise at home:
In Maths this half-term, we have been learning about decimals and fractions, as well as area and perimeter of shape. Please find some worksheets to help you recap and consolidate these important topics on the following slides: Y5 Easter Maths Recap HomeWork. There is no requirement to print the forms, you can just do the working out and answers straight onto paper. Don’t forget to bring this homework in to earn yourself 250 Work Hard Points to kick-start your Summer term HoWLS!
Alternatively, you can purchase your own Maths practice journal for £4.99 and there is a link to this on the slides 🙂 Thank you and best wishes for a lovely Easter! x
Here are some videos to support you with the methods we are teaching in school.