Learning in Nursery is fun

Nursery Marvellous Maths and Phonics!

This week in maths we are exploring numbers, identifying them and learning how to count accurately. In phonics we have started learning about the letter P making the ’p’ sound and practising the tongue twister ’Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers…’

The Nursery team are so proud of all of the children’s hard work so far this week and their super attitudes towards their learning and play.

Beautiful work, Nursery! As always, we are proud of you all!

Nursery Austerfield 2022

Yesterday the Nursery children were very excited to visit Austerfield (and were even more excited to eat their packed lunches). We had a wonderful day exploring the woods and learning more about Goldilocks and the Three Bears and We’re going on a Bear Hunt.

A HUGE thank you to all the parents, Grandparents and Aunties who braved the very wet weather with us and the made the day special for their children. Without you this trip wouldn’t have been possible and we are so glad you could join us. Also a big SHOUT OUT to the children. For a group of 3 and 4 year olds who haven’t been at school very long they did Green Top proud, showing good listening and lots of enthusiam.

The Nursery Team

Nursery – Creating woodlands for our bears

Yesterday, the children and Nursery had a wonderful time creating their own woodland trays for their bears to live in as part of our expedition learning ’How do we care for bears?’ The children explored natural objects in our environment to make their trays and drew their own bears to add in. The children even added porridge oats to feed them. Well done Nursery! We are so proud of you for your creativeness, innovation and imagination!