As part of our expedition next term we are raising money to buy our children traditional tales and some for our community to promote reading for pleasure. To raise the money, we are hosting a used book and toy sale after Christmas. If you are having a clear out before or after Christmas and have anything you are able to donate, we would really appreciate the support. Please bring any donations to Nursery.

Many thanks, 


BIG TALK in Nursery

Last week we had a BIG talk where the children learnt the scientific words for some of our private body parts. The children all listened beautifully. Well done Nursery Crew! We felt very proud of you all!

Is your child using the latest version of Timetables Rockstars?

I have been notified by TTRS (Maths Circle) that many children are using out-of-date versions of the game which may not have the new functionalities.

It’s important that they use the latest versions of the app and and website to ensure they receive the most secure, feature-rich and enjoyable experience of Times Tables Rock Stars. Some of the versions are so far behind that they’re missing out on key updates. 


If using the website at home, please ask parents to visit to load the latest version in their device’s browser. Otherwise please to update the Times Tables Rock Stars app from the app store.


Mr Mumby

Children In Need Tomorrow

Just a reminder that tomorrow is non-uniform day for Children In Need. This years theme is wear something that makes you smile for a suggested donation of £1.

Find out your favourite fancy dress, pjs or sports wear.

We will also be having a bun sale with a donation of 50p.

Please bring any donated bakes to the office in the morning.

Many thanks, Crew Councillors

Odd Socks Day in Nursery

Today the children enjoyed collaging a giant sock and making some individual ones to raise awareness for ‘anti bullying week’. We have talked a lot today about what being kind looks and sounds like.

Diwali Celebrations in Nursery

Today we learnt about Diwali, the Hindu celebration of light. The children had a wonderful time dancing to Bollywood music with coloured scarves, creating Rangoli patterns in play-dough and with pencils and exploring powder paint to mark make their own patterns. What a beautiful day!

Anti-Bullying Week – 13th November

Anti-Bullying Week 2023 will take place from Monday 13th – Friday 17th November. The theme is Make A Noise About Bullying.

This week, your crew councillor will be leading a crew session where you can make some noise. What can you do to make a noise? Look out for our school video!

On Friday 17th November, we will be supporting Children in Need with a non-uniform day for a suggested donation of £1. Crew Council have voted to ‘wear something that makes you smile.’

You could wear your favourite jumper, dress up as your favourite character or just come in your pyjamas.

We will also be having a bake sale where you can buy a bun for 50p. If you would like to donate any buns, please bring them to the office.