Today in Nursery we started this terms Phonics, we will be learning two new sounds a week. The sounds will be posted on the blog each week so you are aware of what the children are focusing on. We are so excited to start this phonics journey 😃
EYFS Sponsored Walk
Just a reminder that on Wednesday 24th January EYFS will be undertaking a sponsored walk to raise funds so that all of our EYFS children can receive a Traditional Tale as part of our product for our Spring Expedition, Once Upon a Time: Who is hiding in the pages of the book ?
We ask that the children come to school on this day dressed in costume as their favourite book character, they will do the walk in their costume so we can celebrate Reading and to promote reading for pleasure. This does not have to be a bought costume it can be anything that represents this for your child.
We will be completing the walk during our school day and on this occasion grown ups won’t attend but we will be sure to take lots of photographs so that you can share in all of the fun that I am sure we will have.
Sponsor forms will be handed out by your child’s class teacher and we ask that these are returned with any sponsor contributions are returned to your child’s class by Friday 2nd February.
Thanks in advance for your continued support.
New to Nursery – Signing up to Sunset Club
Should you wish to access our sunset club, you can book by contacting Mrs Fitzpatrick: [email protected] . Please include the following details: name, teacher, any allergies/dietary requirements, days required and a contact number.
Sunset club runs from 4pm to 5:30pm daily in the school hall at £5 per day which should be paid in advance via ParentPay. If your child is new to Nursery, you will receive a Parent Pay log in within the next 2 weeks. Your child may attend Sunset Club in the meantime.
Nursery Family Learning
Thank so much to all who joined us this morning for Family Learning to launch our expedition ‘Who is hiding in the pages of the book?’ We had a wonderful crafty morning creating Little Red Riding Hood, decorating biscuits for Hansel and Gretel, building the 3 little pigs houses and creating a beanstalk for Jack. Well done Nursery for all of your hard work!
Nursery winter art
The children have been feeling the cold outside today and then painted cold colour pictures. We talked about how blue and white are cold colours but orange, reds and golds would make us feel warm and cosy. The work has been displayed in our creative area to celebrate winter. Check out our art next time you’re in Nursery.
Nursery Family Learning Wednesday 10th January
Hello and Happy New Year to all of our families! We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas. We are looking forward to welcoming you back to Nursery tomorrow.
On Wednesday we will be hosting our Spring Term Family Learning in Nursery from 9-10 am to launch our expedition ‘Who is hiding in the pages of the book?’. We will have various activities all based around traditional stories. The session will be held in Nursery so please arrive at the Nursery entrance with your child just before 9am ready to begin. We hope a member of your family is able to join us and your child.
See you tomorrow.
The Nursery Team x
Merry Christmas from the Nursery staff!
On behalf of the Nursery team we would like to wish all of our wonderful children and their families a very merry Christmas! Thank you so much to all who have brought us gifts and cards, every single one is always so appreciated.
Enjoy the two weeks off and we can’t wait to see you back in the Spring Term for more amazing learning and play. Xx
Christmas snow globe treat 🎄
WOW! The excitement on the children’s faces when they saw a giant snow globe being blown up out side was magical. Thank you to the friends of Green Top for such a wonderful and exciting treat. The children (and staff) had a brilliant time playing!
Christmas Dinner 😋
Today we enjoyed a delicious school dinner. Thank you to our wonderful kitchen staff 😋
Nursery snowman marshmallows
The children have been very busy making snowman marshmallow to eat during our Christmas party. Thank you to everyone who has kindly given teats for us to share – it is much appreciated!