An afternoon in Nursery

This afternoon we have followed the children’s interest. They have been building ladybird houses in the garden, playing Mummies with the babies and drawing dinosaurs. What a busy afternoon it’s been.

Rainbow Fish play dough in Nursery

The children have enjoyed listening to the story of The Rainbow Fish this week which inspired us to create our own rainbow fish using blue play dough, glitter and sequins to represent his glimmering scales. The children have been talking about how we can be a kind friend and have practised sharing just like the Rainbow Fish did at the end of the story.

Our new bug hotel in Nursery!

The children worked so hard yesterday to collect grass, leaves, sticks and wood to build our new bug hotel.

The children had so much fun exploring the nursery garden to find mini beasts to be our new residents. We found worms, wood lice, ladybirds and worms.

Hook week in Nursery!

This week we have been immersing our nursery for our Summer expedition ‘What happens when the sea meets the shore?’ We have been crafting jelly fish, seaweed, sand, coral reefs and underpants inspired by our hook story ‘Pirates love underpants’. We have an ice cream parlour and Pirate shack for the children to enjoy. Take a look…