Gingerbread Men in Nursery

This morning the children worked really hard to follow instructions and talk about the story of the Gingerbread Man. We weighed, melted, mixed, combined, rolled and cut our ingredients and dough. Well done Nursery Crew!

Exploring the story of The Gingerbread Man in Nursery this week…

The children have had so much fun so far this week exploring the story of The Gingerbread Man. They have enjoyed creating life size paintings of the Gingerbread Man by drawing around our own bodies, retelling the story by looking carefully at the story book and acting as the little old man and woman who baked the Gingerbread Man in the mud kitchen. I wonder what tomorrow will bring…

Nursery made pancakes!

As we weren’t together for pancake day, we decided we would make them today! We talked about the ingredients we needed, the consistency of the batter, we noticed that the batter is the same as Yorkshire Pudding batter and we observed what the heat did to our pancakes. Once they were cooked, we finally were able to taste them covered in golden syrup and lemon juice. Delicious!

Have a wonderful half term Nursery!

Well that’s a wrap for this half term. The nursery is all set up and ready for welcoming our children back on Monday 19th February. I wonder if you can tell which traditional tale we will be focusing on…

We hope you all have a wonderful half term.
The Nursery Team xx

Nursery made feelings sticks…

The children enjoyed making feelings sticks with coloured ribbon and sticks to use during our CREW sessions. The children will use these to pass around in our circle time. When they are holding the feelings stick, it will be their turn to share and talk. We love our new feelings sticks and are thrilled to have an item we have ownership over to use in our Nursery CREW.

Well done Nursery Crew!

Nursery enjoying the outdoor area today…

We have loved having some dry weather today and getting outside to play for a little longer. The bikes, trikes and scooters are always a popular choice. We have also enjoyed making sand pies with a lovely ivy garnish, exploring filling and pouring and experimenting with capacity and dinosaur and farm animal small world play.

Nursery Bubble Fun!

The children have had a blast this week using their BIG movements to catch the bubbles. We have been developing our gross motor skills to support our fine motor skills. I think it’s clear from our faces that we have had so much fun!

Nursery say THANK YOU!

Wow! What a morning and a tremendous effort! Thank you everyone who came to support the ‘book and biscuit’ & toy sale event. Together with the sponsored walk we have raised whopping £900 for our EYFS expedition and Nursery resources. Thank you from the bottom of out hearts for your incredible support.

Mrs Hay, Mrs Burton, Miss Nolan, Mrs Mann, Mrs Swindells & Miss Welsh

Nursery Toy and book sale!

The Nursery is all set up for the toy and book sale tomorrow morning 8.30 – 9.30 am. It will run alongside our book at a biscuit event. Bring some money and bags and grab a bargain to raise funds for our EYFS.