Super Year 1 home learning

Well done to today’s online learning legends…

Luna  This week you have been working really hard and completed all your learning.  I love your reflection on your learning for your passage presentation and the great work you have done about school.


Jacob  Wow you have done some impressive maths today and blown my socks off with your problem solving with quarters of amounts.

Check out their great learning below.

Well done Etta  and Jack for completing all your home learning today.  You are both Motivated Moe’s today.  I was really impressed with your understanding of halving numbers in maths.  You both have thought really carefully about your behaviour at school this year and recorded your ideas ready for your passage presentation later this week.  Check out some of their work below.

Keep up the hard work!

School Games Active Championship

Youth Sports Trust have teamed up with TopYa to create an exclusive School Games Active Championship which can be used by pupils and schools.

Three times a week TopYa! Release a challenge for pupils to try. Children practise the challenges, then submit their best video using a mobile device to receive personal coaching feedback from the TopYa! team of experienced virtual coaches. Points are earned for each video submitted, leading to climbing leaderboards and winning prizes!

The TopYa! Active app is committed to online safety and meets rigorous COPPA and GDPR safeguarding standards. No one can communicate within the app. All children can do to communicate with one another is give each other a virtual ‘high-five’, which functions like a social media ‘like’.

The points pupils gain are then tallied up and compared in a league table against other Doncaster schools (in the Rossington School Games Area).

This is completely free and a great way for pupils to be active at home and at school.

I have attached above information from TopYa! And you can also read more on the School Games Website.

You will need the following code which is unique to your school: 22612


Good luck and enjoy!