Super Scientists in Year 1!

Check out how awesome Cohen and Florrie are at sharing their scientific knowledge about plants.  They are definitely Exploring Eddie’s this week in expedition!

Expedition slides for the week beginning 20.4 20 (24 Apr 2020 at 16_25)

Expedition slides for the week beginning 20.4 20 (24 Apr 2020 at 16_22)

Class 5 Learning Legend is …

Well done to Esme for being a learning legend today.

Everyday Esme impresses me with her learning attitude as she strives to improve her work and aim for green standard.  This week she has worked particularly hard to recall spelling of tricky words and applying her phonics in her own independent work.

Today Esme  has been a real Connecting Connie. Take a look at her great work 🙂

Class 6 learning legend is…

Well done to Sofia for being a learning legend today.

Everyday Sofia impresses me with her learning attitude and produces so much work.  Today she has been a real Have a go Henry when it came to drawing her own giant and in finding half an amount in maths.  Take a look at her great work 🙂


Juicy and Jemima are staying safe xx

Don’t worry year 1 Juicy and Jemima are staying safe!  Jemima went home with Stevie a few weeks ago and is still having lots of fun at his house.  Juicy was getting a little fed up with Miss Rodgers so this week came to school with her and decided to go home with Robyn last night!

As you can see below they are both getting lots of cuddles xx

Year 1 Learning Legends today are…

Well done year 1 yet again I am super impressed with all your learning.

Today’s learning legends are…

Toby for creatively combining his expedition learning with a walk in the glorious sunshine and being a Connecting Connie.  He was able to locate different things that were living, non-living and once alive whilst out and about in hos local area.  Check out some of his photos below.

Etta your learning has been so beautifully presented this week and I am very impressed with your Can do Colin attitude.  Check out Eta’s awesome expedition work below.


Please find a link to a letter below from the English Hub.  They will be providing daily online phonics lessons from Monday 27th April.  These are based on the letters and sounds phonics programme we use in school.


Letter to parents & carers about online phonics lessons

Year 1 learning legends are …

Today I was blown away by the quality of work produced by everyone.  However Tuesday’s learning legends are …

Florrie for being an amazing scientist in the film below.

Thea for beautiful presentation in her work.

Isal for super craft and photos for our final product.

Jacob for independently applying his phonics skills in his writing.



Year 1 learning legends today are…

Well done Year 1 another amazing day of learning, with more people handing learning in or posting photos of their work.

I notice…you are all able to identify when a shape is shared equally into halves.

I praise…how many children aimed for green standard in their writing.

I wonder…what happens in our new story?

Our learning legends today are….Jack, Jersey, Erin and Robyn.
Jack for always doing all his learning with great enthusiasm.
Jersey and Robyn for applying their phonics independently when writing about their jelly beans.
Erin for always presenting her learning so neatly and carefully.
Check out their work below.