Miss Rodgers phonics group have begun learning the split digraph sounds. This week they have been learning about split digraph e-e. The children have been continuing to develop their reading fluency but some of the children have been struggling with recalling the red words they have learned so far. Please practise your phonics sheets and red word sets 1-4 at home as often as possible please as this will really help your child’s reading fluency in our next set of assessments.
This week we have been learning /ea/ ‘Time for tea. We have been learning to read and spell words containing our three known /ee/ graphemes. We know that some words only use one ‘e’ for /ee/ and some use ‘ee’ or ‘ea’.
I have been really impressed with he children’s effort and enthusiasm and I can tell the children have been practising their red words and reading books at home! I have heard some super reading over the past few weeks! This week we have been working on our accuracy and checking that we look carefully and words to ensure we read them correctly.
We now have a new ‘fun phonics’ session in an afternoon where we have also been learning about split digraphs. Yesterday we learned about split digraph /a-e/ like in the words cake, bake, sale, take, snake. The children loved learning about split digraphs!
Please remember to send reading books back every Friday so that I can change the children’s shared reading books in our phonics session.
Don’t forget tomorrow is reading books day! Please make sure all reading books are returned tomorrow so that children’s phonics books/homework can be updated in their phonics groups. We have seen huge improvement in children’s confidence, enjoyment and fluency since starting our new home reading strategy. Thank you so much for all your support with this. It is so lovely to hear comments from parents about their child’s achievements at home!
Miss Rodgers and Mrs Clay’s group have learned the /aw/ sound this week. I wonder if your grown ups will be impressed when you read your shared reading book to them? Is your reading fluency improving?
All reading books need to be returned to school tomorrow as school is shut on Friday this week. It is important that all books are returned as the children will be using them throughout the school day tomorrow. Children will be reading their reading books during our morning activity, changing their Shared Reading books in their phonics lesson and celebrating their progress this week in their classes. Children will also receive their new phonics homework to add to their book pack. Please ensure your child has a suitable bag to keep their books safe throughout the day.
If you have not yet read the letter outlining the way we are changing books in school then please make this a priority as we need all parents to sign the form regarding reading books.
We have all been settling into our new phonics groups and recapping our learning so far. We have been focussing on reading and spelling red words and improving our reading fluency.
Miss Coopers Group – /ee/
Miss Schon’s Group – /ar/ /ur/ /oi/ /ow/ /er/ and red words sets 1 and 2
This week in Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers phonics groups we are learning /ea/ ‘Time for tea’. We now know 3 different ways to write this sound – /ee/, /ea/ and /e/.
Mrs Clay’s group have been revisiting /air/ – Air on hair
Miss Cooper’s group have been revisiting /ch/ – The chipmunk chooses cheese
We hope the children are excited for our class trip tomorrow!
Just a few things to note for our trip tomorrow:
Please could all children come to school wearing their normal school uniform and comfortable, sensible footwear. It is not currently due to rain tomorrow but a sensible coat and footwear is essential. We will be spending time both inside and outdoors during our visit. Please can children bring a backpack to keep all their belongings in such as their packed lunch and a spare change of clothes. This also helps us to ensure children’s belongings do not go missing throughout the day. Children will also need to be able to carry their own belongings to and from the coach/destination so a backpack really helps with this.
Children do not need any spending money for the trip.
Please ensure children arrive promptly at 8:30am for the register and to board the coaches!