Children In Need Tomorrow

Just a reminder that tomorrow is non-uniform day for Children In Need. This years theme is wear something that makes you smile for a suggested donation of £1.

Find out your favourite fancy dress, pjs or sports wear.

We will also be having a bun sale with a donation of 50p.

Please bring any donated bakes to the office in the morning.

Many thanks, Crew Councillors

Lest We Forget…

Our children have spent the week leading up to Armistice day learning about the reason we wear the red poppy and have produced these stunning examples to display in our corridors.

A beautiful and fitting tribute to the fallen.

Anti-Bullying Week – 13th November

Anti-Bullying Week 2023 will take place from Monday 13th – Friday 17th November. The theme is Make A Noise About Bullying.

This week, your crew councillor will be leading a crew session where you can make some noise. What can you do to make a noise? Look out for our school video!

On Friday 17th November, we will be supporting Children in Need with a non-uniform day for a suggested donation of £1. Crew Council have voted to ‘wear something that makes you smile.’

You could wear your favourite jumper, dress up as your favourite character or just come in your pyjamas.

We will also be having a bake sale where you can buy a bun for 50p. If you would like to donate any buns, please bring them to the office.

Times Tables Rock Stars Challenge!

As part of our commitment to make maths exciting and high profile in our school, we are taking part in a friendly competition involving schools in England. The competition runs from 07:30 GMT Tuesday 14th November 2023 to 19:30 GMT Thursday 16th November 2023. It’s all done online via

Children can play in any game mode with every correct answer to a multiplication or division question, earning themselves, their class and the school a point. The Times Tables Rock Stars platform will calculate the class average (the number of correct answers per pupil in the class who play during the competition hours, subject to a daily 60-minute limit (see below). Winning classes in the school and in the competition as a whole will be the ones with the highest average.

To support player wellbeing, there is a daily time limit of 60-minutes per player. In other words, each player can earn competition points for up to 60-minutes between 07:30 GMT and 19:30 GMT on 07:30 GMT Tuesday 14th November 2023 to 19:30 GMT Thursday 16th November 2023. Once the player goes beyond 60-minutes of play on that day, they will still earn coins but will no longer earn points towards the competition.

Which Crew will be victorious? Who will rock their way to glory? Only time will tell…….


Calling all KS2 Singers and dancers! – WE NEED YOU!

Are you interested in taking part in Young Voices 2024?! 

If you would like to be a part of the choir and join us at one of the best events of the year come along to Young Voices Dinner Club each Monday lunch time in Crew Spetch. It will run from 12:30 until 1pm! We will also be practicing in Choir club every Tuesday 3-4pm.

Please come and see me for a letter if you would like to join us!

I can’t wait to see lots of you there!

Mrs Spetch & Mrs Small x 

NSPCC – Kindness Week – Non Uniform Day!

A reminder that tomorrow will be a whole school non-uniform day to raise money for the NSPCC. We are asking for a donation of £1 to support their charity.

Challenge – To end the week, could you complete a random act of kindness at home or in our local community and send a photograph to your teacher.

Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 29th September

Come and join us between 8:30 and 9:30 on Friday 29th September to raise money for Macmillan.

If you would like to donate any buns, cakes or cookies, please bring them to the office.

We look forward to seeing you.

National Read a Book Day!

Tomorrow (Wednesday 6th September) is National Read a Book Day!

Why not enjoy a book together after school to celebrate the day? We’d love for you to email us any photos of you enjoying your reading!

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

New Class 5 Transition

We had a fabulous two days transitioning into Year 1. The children were settled and motivated right from the start! I was so pleased with their effort and their behaviour. We had a great two days getting to know each other, learning and exploring our new classroom. The children began to make a beautiful piece of space art which they will bring home on their first official day in Year 1.

I am so excited for our new adventure to begin after the holidays!

Well done to the new Class 5! Have a lovely Summer and I can’t wait to see you again in the new school year.

New to Y1 superstars!

I have been truly blown away by how wonderfully the children have settled in to their new class over the last two days. They have worked so hard to produce work for our pen portrait on Valentina Tereshkova as part of the school-wide history week celebrations and have stuck to the HoWLs and classroom rules that they helped to produce. I hope you all have a fantastic summer and I can’t wait to see you again when you begin year one for real at the end of August.

Great job guys!