Crew Jackson – Super homework

A massive shout out to Blake who has produced some amazing homework that is definitely out of this world! Blake showed amazing scientific knowledge, telling our crew all about the planets and recalling the correct order of them.

Crew Jackson – Family Learning

A massive shout out to all the family members who turned up to our family learning session this afternoon – we really appreciate the time you took out of your day to join us. Both the adults and children put a lot of effort into producing some wonderful posters about the solar system that I am proud to display in the classroom.

Crew Jackson – VR workshop

This morning, we took part in a VR workshop that really has us hooked into our new expedition. Everyone enjoyed being transported into space and exploring the moon, solar system and International Space Station. I was very impressed with the knowledge many children showed already – I know this is going to be an exciting expedition.

Crew Jackson – Immersive artwork

This morning, we have continued to immerse ourselves in our space themed expedition by creating some beautiful planet artwork. Well done everyone for adding to our classroom environment.

Crew Jackson – Hanging Solar Systems

This afternoon, the children worked collaboratively to create hanging solar systems to immerse our classrooms in our new expedition – ‘How does movement affect our world?’ They had to think carefully about the size, colour, features and order of the planets. Check out the photos below that show how hard they all worked in their groups.