Over the last two weeks, we have been working on creating art with multi-media. Check out some of our awesome astronaut artwork created using paint, metallic pen, sketching and black marker.

Over the last two weeks, we have been working on creating art with multi-media. Check out some of our awesome astronaut artwork created using paint, metallic pen, sketching and black marker.
Well done everyone on a fantastic English lesson today. You analysed the model text so well and confidently identified the criteria for writing a good science report, considering layout, vocabulary,, sentence types, punctuation and grammatical features. I am so proud of you all for your hard work.
Well done to our super Crew Champions this week! I loved listening to all of the wonderful things said about you by your teachers!
This morning, we began our case study on forces. First, we built up our background knowledge on forces and gravity using videos, discussion and reading facts around the room. Then we explored what happens when we drop two identical bottles containing different amounts of water. The children were surprised to discover that they hit the ground at the same time – despite many attempts to prove the theory wrong!
Well done everyone – you all worked so hard in our double expedition lesson today! #Ogdentrust
This morning, in our reading lesson we used the thesaurus to find synonyms for given words. Everyone worked hard to understand the meaning of the vocabulary in our story and could explain the definitions.
Another lovely week full of positive shoutouts, awards and Crew Champions. Well done Y5/6!
Over the next week Year 6 will be focusing on spellings linked to root words. The children will be tested on the following spellings before half term. Click on the video if you need to remind yourself about what root words are.
create – creation – creative
happy – unhappy – happily – happiness
music – musical – musician
Today, we enjoyed reading books of our choice in Accelerated Reader Time. Everyone is working hard to improve their reading fluency and trying to increase their minutes by quizzing more frequently.
Another lovely week full of positive shoutouts, awards and Crew Champions. An added shoutout to our Reading Stars for this week who have been able to choose a book as their reward.
Please remember to send your child with appropriate XP Outdoors kit suitable for the weather – especially now it is getting colder and wetter! Appropriate footwear is essential as the children spend time in the grassy XP Outdoors area.
A reminder of the days that XP Outdoors takes place:
A further reminder of the suggested XP Outdoors kit –