Christmas opportunities in the community

Please see the attached flyers for some of the events happening in our local community over the Christmas period.

Crew Jackson: Spelling practice

This week in Crew Jackson we have been practicing words linked to our expedition as we plan and prepare for our science lectures. This morning we played back to back; this not only helped us practice our spellings as we tested our partners but also enabled us to practice our recognition of the words.

Well done everyone! Remember you can keep practicing at home too.

Mrs Jackson x

Crew Jackson: Great collaboration in English and Expedition

This morning Crew Jackson worked incredibly hard on identifying the features of a script through role on the wall and the use of a model text. I was very impressed with their collaborative skills and ability to explain the purpose of different features. We then went on to work in the groups for our Space lectures. Each group worked on recalling their knowledge and the key ideas they would need to include their lectures. I can’t wait to continue tomorrow, when we will begin to order our ideas and start to collaborate on a script. Well done everyone – you all make me feel very proud!

Mrs Jackson

Crew Jackson: XP Outdoors

It was so fantastic to hear from both Mr Kershaw and the children all about the challenge they completed in XP outdoors this morning. The children had to create designs, that would use the given equipment, to transport the most water from point A to point B and then point C. It was awesome to hear that the crew voted for Evan’s design and even better to hear how he went on to lead everyone to construct it. Apparently, our crew transported the most water in Year 6!

Well done Evan for an amazing design – you deserved all the shout outs your crew mates gave you at the end of the day!

Crew Jackson – Case Study 2 Reflection

This afternoon we completed our case study 2 reflection. It was lovely to see how much knowledge the children had gained over the last few weeks studying forces. The children could confidently articulate their learning and use the correct scientific vocabulary. Well done everyone for showcasing your learning to me – even better we got to type it up on the chrome books!

Y5/6 Science lecture at Trinity

This morning, Y5 and Y6 visited Trinity to listen to a science lecture linked to their expedition about space and forces. This gave them the opportunity to experience what it is like to give a lecture and present their learning. This will support them in preparing their own for our celebration of learning.

Well done everyone for being great ambassadors for Green Top, with excellent learning attitudes and behaviour whilst on our visit. I know you impressed Mr Taylor, Head of Science, with your subject knowledge.

Y6 SPaG site to support home learning

Please find a link below to a SPaG revision website that I have created to support the children in developing their knowledge of grammar, punctuation and spelling rules. This knowledge is tested on the Year 6 SPaG papers.

Here is the link:

I hope you find it useful and it supports any learning at home. I will continue to add to it throughout the year and set homework linked to areas we need to focus on.

Thank you

Mrs Jackson