Red Nose Day Challenge

Happy Red Nose Day! It is great to see so many of you dressed in red to show your support today. Thank you for all your generous donations. The school council have one last challenge for you! Over the weekend, we wonder how many different red things you can find.

Watercolor Red Clipart Red Color Clipart Red Objects - Etsy UK

You could have a look around your house or even venture outside on a walk. Count how many different red things you can find to share with your crew on Monday. You could even take some pictures or draw what you can see.

Year 6 Spelling practice for SATs

In the SATs, children will be tested on spelling rules for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. Below you will find an outline of each of the spelling rules,  as well as words that meet the criteria of the rule. Across school, each week we focus on teaching and practicing a different spelling rule or pattern during English lessons. In the run up to SATs, each week the children will be bringing home a list of words to practice and support their preparation for their spelling SATs paper; these words will cover a mixture of the patterns and rules as will be experienced on the test. Please support your child by encouraging them to practice at home.

Celebrating British Science Week

Today marks the start of British Science Week and we can’t wait to get involved when we get back to school next week. Each crew will take part in a fascinating fingerprint investigation led by the school council. We will also have science club attending the coffee afternoon (Wednesday 15th) to share some of the exciting things we get up to at science club.

In the meantime, there are a few challenges you can get involved in at home and bring into school next week.

For Tuesday – Create a timeline of scientists through history. What are some of the greatest discoveries and who made them?

For Wednesday – Invent like a Victorian. Channel your inner inventor and design something to make life at home easier.

For Thursday – See and Eat Vegetables. Investigate the connection between how vegetables grow and how they end up on your plate.

You could also find your own investigations to try! Send any pictures of you being a scientist to your phase leaders. We can’t wait to see what you get up to!

Young Voices – ‘Proud’ Single now available

At Young Voices, we had the privilege to sing ‘Proud’ with award winning singer Heather Small. The song was recorded during rehearsals on the day and has been made into a single. The CD is now available to purchase on the link below. All proceeds will go towards the Young Voices Charity ‘Place2Be’ which is a charity that supports Children’s mental health. Thanks for all of your support with this!

The Big Battery Hunt

Big Battery Hunt is back for its second year! - Primary Treasure Chest

What is the big battery hunt?

The Big Battery Hunt is a nationwide battery recycling programme for schools funded by Duracell. Its aim is to increase the number of batteries currently being recycled in the UK. Pupils are challenged to collect as many batteries as they can, encouraging their communities to do the same.

All you need to do is take any unwanted batteries into school and give them to your school councillor. The school council will collect the batteries, keep count of them and recycle them for you. Let’s see how many we can collect this year!

Crew Jackson – amazing artwork

Wow! This afternoon when I returned to class, I was blown away by the amazing artwork they had produced with Mrs Hardman.

In Y6 we are currently researching inspirational people ready for biography writing. We are really enjoying reading the ‘Little people, big dreams’ series of books and used these to support our artwork.

Well done everyone in Crew Jackson – I am very impressed!