In science club this week, we researched DNA and found out lots of interesting facts. Did you know that although we all look different, 99.9% of our DNA is the same. After we created our posters, we made edible DNA.
Category : Mrs Jackson’s Class
Crew Jackson – Fun in the sun at XP Outdoors

Crew Jackson – more beautiful writing
Since completing SATs, I have been so proud of each and everyone of the children for the wonderful writing they have produced. They have worked so hard to show their ability to; write for purpose; select appropriate features and vocabulary; be creative; use the full range of Key Stage 2 grammatical features and punctuation; and really engage the reader in their written work.
I am bursting with pride and just have to show off more of their beautiful work this week!
Mrs Jackson x

Science Club – Solar Ovens
This week in science club we made our very own solar ovens. We discussed how light will be reflected off the tin foil and into the oven and be absorbed by the black paper. Once we made them, we placed them in the sun to melt our s’mores. But, the best part was eating them!
Crew Jackson – Final Word preparation
The children in Crew Jackson are working really hard at the moment to write their Final Word presentations. They are so excited about sharing them with you in two weeks time.

Y5&6 Tag Rugby
This afternoon Y5&6 played fantastic rugby in the blazing sunshine! Well done to Y6 who finished in joint 1st place along with Brooke.

The Golden Mile Grand Total
School council have been busy counting this afternoon to find the total of our Golden Mile. We have raised £77.90! Thank you to everyone who made a donation.

Y5/6 Coffee afternoon- Presentation of Learning
Dear parents and carers,
We would like to invite you to see our amazing expedition product from Spring term. Y5/6 will be holding a coffee afternoon in the hall on Monday 19th June, from 2:30-3:30 to view their final product and share their workbooks from this expedition.
If arriving before 3pm, please go the school office where you will be shown down to the hall and your child will be collected from their classroom to join you. If you are joining us after school at 3pm, then please collect your child from their classroom as normal and walk round to the hall together.
As always, thanks for your continued support, The Year 5 and Year 6 Staff Team
Crew Jackson – Beautiful writing
Over the last few weeks, I have been blown away by the effort the children have put into producing the most amazing pieces of writing. From biographies to balanced arguments, followed by character descriptions and stories – they have all been fantastic. Everyone has worked so hard to include a range of y5/6 grammar and punctuation correctly; the use of features appropriate to the genre has been to a high standard. I am proud of each and everyone of you! Mrs Jackson x

Crew Jackson – Reading for pleasure
No better way to chill out after lunch that immersing yourself in a good book!