Fantastic morning – crew checkin, aqua park fun with many overcoming their fears, picnic lunch with complementary chips followed by crew debrief!

Fantastic morning – crew checkin, aqua park fun with many overcoming their fears, picnic lunch with complementary chips followed by crew debrief!
This afternoon the children wrote letters to themselves about what they want to achieve by the end of Year 6. The children all thought really carefully about their own personal goals and aspirations – considering their HOWLs, character growth, crew, SATs, academic success and beautiful work. After they finished, they were sealed in envelopes addressed to themselves and put away to save for the end of the year. The children will get to open and read them again in July and see the progress they have made and how successful they have been towards achieving their goals.
What a morning of super collaborative work we have had in Crew Jackson. The children worked so hard applying their knowledge of antonyms, synonyms and well-known sayings to solve the murder mystery at the orchestra. Keep up the hard work!
We have had a fantastic first day in Year 6 and I could not be prouder of the amazing crew they have been today. Well done guys – I am sure it is going to be an excellent year for you all. I am very excited to be your crew leader!
Mrs Jackson x
Hello Y6,
I hope you are having an enjoyable Summer break and you’ve had chance to recharge. The Y6 staff are really excited to welcome you back next week; in the meantime I am sending out a kit list in preparation for our exciting plans for your first week in Y6! As you will remember, we have an action-packed day planned at the gorgeous Rother Valley Country Park followed by an overnight camp on the school grounds. Here is a list of the items you will need in preparation for a day of fun and crew building:
Enjoy the rest of your week 🙂
Mr Mumby
This week as part of transition from year 5 to year 6, we have researched Michael Collins who is often referred to as the forgotten astronaut. Today I have been blown away by the effort the children have put into producing posters about this amazing astronaut.
This morning we demonstrated great team work as we collaborated on using the given resources to create the tallest free-standing tower. It wasn’t long before we realised dry spaghetti snaps easily! We had 3 successful towers out of 5 – the tallest being 60cm.
When reflecting on their team work, we noticed the most successful teams were those that shared and planned out their ideas first, listened carefully to each other and didn’t get cross when faced with a problem but looked for a solution.
We have had a fabulous first day as a new crew. We have fitted in so much to our day -working collaboratively to break a code to solve a problem, learning about Michael Collins the forgotten astronaut, reading new books and thinking about the skills we each have that can support our crew to be the best it can be.
Thank you for being amazing today; I can’t wait for another great day tomorrow!
WOW! This year has passed so quickly and we have made so many new memories in year 6. We are so proud of each and everyone of the year 6 children and the amazing journey they have been on during their time at Green Top.
Friday was an emotional day for staff, year 6 children and their families too. In case you were too busy smiling and laughing (or crying!) please find the pass out photos and the videos from the leavers assembly below.
From The Year 6 Staff Team x