London Meeting- Y6 residential

Can you believe it’s less than 8 school weeks until our London residential?

Mr Ambler, Mrs Jackson and I would like to invite parents of those children who are attending this year’s visit to join us on Monday 22nd April from 4:30. This meeting will be to inform you of our finalised itinerary, kit list and to ask any questions you might have. The meeting will be held in the school hall, please access via the Ash Tree Road entrance.

There is no requirement to bring your child to the meeting. If you are unable to attend, please contact [email protected] and the slides can be shared via email to you.

Thank again for supporting this residential,

Mr Mumby

Crew Jackson – fabulous artwork

This afternoon, we combined our learning on Quentin Blake’s style, watercolour techniques and one point perspective to create our artwork linked to Thorne North Train Station. I was very impressed with the children’s hard work, attention to detail and use of different media. I can’t wait until we apply these skills to our final product pieces.

Crew Jackson – Exploring the features of a non-chronological report

This week we have begun a new English cycle and have started to look at the features of a non-chronological report. This morning we completed a number of tasks to develop our understanding. These included: putting a model text back together in the correct order, sorting features your would and wouldn’t find in this genre of writing, identifying highlighted SPAG and text features within a model text and then extending thinking further by explaining the purpose of given features. I was very impressed with the children’s knowledge and I can’t wait until we start to write our own reports.