Well done Andra for all the kind things you do everyday and for creating a wonderful poster.
Well done Andra for all the kind things you do everyday and for creating a wonderful poster.
Wow! This animation is awesome Florrie and you show a great understanding of plant science.
I love to see all the things Scarlett has been getting up to at home. She has been working really hard and is always lovely to see the photos and videos showing her home learning.
Well done for producing some great learning this week. I am especially pleased with the short film Jersey has made to show her understanding of fractions of numbers in maths. You really are a Can do Colin!
Well done Josephine and Erin you have produced impressive expedition learning this week. Take a look at some of their awesome work. Click each image to see it larger in size.
Well done Thea and Naomi your are both Exploring Eddies in Expedition this week. I am super impressed with the work you have handed in.
Well done boys you have both really impressed me this week with your attitude to learning as Motivated Moes.
Harry has shown his knowledge of time and Frankie has worked hard on his expedition learning. Check out their great work.
We are blown away by the superb expedition work you are producing as part of your home learning. Here you will find a selection by some of our year 1 girls. Well done Jersey, Erin, Emilea, Thea, Robyn, Andra and Josephine you have really impressed me today. Take a look at the creative ways that the girls have presented their learning on the parts of a plant and plant life cycles including a short movie!
Well done Jack for being a Have ago Henry every single day. You have really impressed me today with your neat handwriting in English and your understanding of quarters in maths.