Thank you Niah for taking good care of Jemima when she came to stay at your house. I know she really enjoyed sharing her favourite story with you.
Remember stories can take you on adventures that you can sometimes only dream about. Enjoy sharing stories everyday!
In F2 and KS1 we always love to hear all about the wonderful things you get up to in your spare time. Today we celebrated martial arts, dance class, Irish dance competitions and swimming. We are all so talented at Green Top!
Thank you Bodhi for taking such good care of Jemima on Thursday night. She really enjoyed sharing her favourite story with you.
What a fantastic celebration of key stage 1 learning this morning. We heard all about animals and all the interesting facts we had learnt about them, some fabulous art work based on Henri Rousseau and to top it off some beautiful singing with actions! Year 1 also did a gorgeous Gerald the giraffe dance! Well done everyone! All the staff in key stage 1 are so proud of you all!
I had a lovely time visiting Edward. I loved sharing my favourite book with him. Remember Class 5 I might choose to visit you soon and do my reading with you!
Love Jemima xx
This week in assembly we celebrated dancing, swimming, life saving skills and football. Well done everyone we are so proud of you all!