What a treat for Jemima!

Jemima had a fabulous time at Millie’s house last night and what a treat to wake up and celebrate Millie turning 6 today! Thank you so much for the chocolate cake, class 5 (and Jemima) really enjoyed it!

Beegu has landed!!!

Today we looked at small sections of pictures as clues as to what our new class story was going to be.  The children made some amazing predictions and could explain their reasons confidently to the class.  As more of the picture was revealed, the children finally got to meet Beegu the main character in  the story.  They have now decided they think it is an alien!

Hi everyone.

Juicy and Jemima here.

Starting tomorrow, Friday the 10th of January, classes 5 and 6 are beginning an exciting new reading challenge competition!

Every time your child brings their reading pack into school to be changed they will receive a raffle ticket. Once every 4 weeks a lucky winner from each class will win a SUPER READER HAMPER full of prizes. The more your child reads at home, the more chances they will have of winning the monthly prize!

So come on! Get out those reading packs and get reading!!!

Another great walk in Thorne.

Well done Class 5 on your excellent behaviour as we went on another walk in Thorne to see some of the historical features such as St Nicholas Church, Peel Hill and the old windmill.  You were superstars at recalling the names of the different types of houses that we saw.  Click on the link and watch the video below and tell your grown up all about the differences between the different types of houses.


Thank you to all the parents and family members that have accompanied us on our walks this week.  Your support is much appreciated and ensures the children are kept safe as we cross the roads in Thorne.




Where do you live?

Class 5 challenge – Remember if you can tell me the name of your street then you will get 25 house points.

Bonus house points if you can tell me the type of house you live in.  Is your home a detached house, semi-detached house, bungalow, a flat or a terraced house?

Who can earn themselves some house points?

From Mrs Jackson

Place value houses

This morning Class 5 used their knowledge of place value to create house pictures.  They selected a 2 digit number that they wrote on the house roof.  They then selected the correct number of ten strips and one squares to build the house walls and windows.  They look brilliant and the children demonstrated a great understanding of place value.  I can’t wait to add them to our class display.