Crew Jackson enjoying reading for pleasure

In Crew Jackson this afternoon the children have enjoyed sharing books and reading for pleasure. They loved looking at our new expedition train books and reading our class text Harry Potter, our transition stories and our selection of new reading for pleasure books.

I can’t wait to get started on Accelerated Reader!

Mrs Jackson

Fantastic Crew building in Crew Jackson

What a great start to the new year in Crew Jackson today!  We have had the busiest day ever and the children have all worked incredibly hard in their learning.  I have been particularly impressed with the reading and retrieval of information both in our English lesson and in our artist research lesson.

The day started with a variety of crew building activities and it was so lovely seeing their great collaboration skills.  Fantastic free-standing shoe towers were created and a great fact finding mission took to place to find out all about the other members of their crew.  Check out the photos below.

Keep up the hard work tomorrow guys!

Fabulous Friday for new year 2

Hope you are having a good Friday!
Critique for today. . .
I notice. . . more faces on google hangouts this morning
I praise . . . fantastic finished letters to new teachers
I wonder. . . if we can all have a relaxing summer making fabulous memories!!

Learning Legend for today is Jack for amazing and creative maths learning- Well done Jack!

Another fabulous day for you all working online at home.
I notice. . . great edit and improvements on our letters
I praise . . . amazing words used to describe what crew means to us
I wonder. . . if tomorrow can be a fabulous day of learning as it is our last online classroom day!
Today’s online Learning Legend is Josephine for consistently amazing work and editing and improving her letter fantastically to make it even more superb!
Well done everyone, Mrs Wallace has been so impressed with all your learning today on the new to year 2 google classroom.  I have just had a look and I agree your learning is wonderful and I am so proud of you all.
I notice. . . some fabulous draft letters to our new teachers
I praise. . . sharing some of our fantastic achievements as part of our crew learning
I wonder. . . if any more children would like to join hangouts in the morning?
Learning legend for today is Amber Wailes for a really super draft letter with lots of great features!  Well done Amber you are an absolute super star!

Good afternoon everybody! I hope you have all had a lovely day whether you have been in school or at home! Super learning today and I have been really impressed with the crew learning- Well done everybody!

Critique for today…

I notice. . . great red and green planets produced.

I praise. . . Creative use of things around us for the magic number in maths

I wonder. . If you are excited to write the first draft of your letters tomorrow?

Learning legend for today. . . Emilea Read for super learning across English, Maths and Crew today! A real Motivated Moe!

Super online learning in year 1 today

A great Monday and lots and lots of fabulous working coming in so well done Year 2!! I have enjoyed looking through all of your work today and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the week brings!

Critique for today . . .

I notice. . . lots of variation in representing numbers in maths

I praise. . . a great start to the planning of our letters

I wonder. . . continue with high standards to ensure that our letters to our teacher are top quality!

Learning legend for today is Tobias Martin for super maths learning and using coins and counting them to represent his number! Well done!

Well done girls. You have been real Motivated Moe’s the whole of this week and your work has been of a consistently high standard. Great job!

We notice. . . a fabulous week of learning
We praise. . . really thinking about responses to activities, lots of detail and innovation
We wonder . . . if we can all have a restful weekend so we can have the same high standards next week

Cocoon D’s awesome transition work

Check out the amazing transition work done today by the brilliant children in Cocoon D.  They used water colours to create a patterned hand and I was so impressed with their careful work.  After that they generated words to describe themselves.

Great work guys.  You were all amazing!