Weve have had a fantastic afternoon sketching st Nicholas Church. Everyone has worked so hard and produced some great quality sketching. We are so proud of how well everyone worked and how many different sketching techniques you all remembered. Fantastic work class 8!

Thorne Methodist church

Class 8 had a fantastic experience today walking to the Methodist church and seeing what happens inside. All the children listened so well and asked some interesting questions. A huge thank you to Mrs Raper for talking us through all the different things the church is used for and showing us what happens inside.


A big thank you to all our adult helpers who walked with us we really appreciate you supporting our learning and keeping us safe.


Challenge- if you can tell me or Miss O’Neill when the Methodist church was built you can have 20 house points!

KS1 Housepoint Winners 02.03.20

Well done to each one of you for winning the housepoint certificate for this week! Keep up the brilliant work that you’re doing. You’re setting a great example to everyone else!

Remember everyone to put your housepoints on each time you’re given them. Don’t forget!! It could be you standing up here next week!

🌟 ☀️ 🌍 ☄️

Book hook

Class 8 have had a great session in English this morning finding out the title of our new class text by cracking the code! Everyone worked hard in pairs to find the letter to match the symbol. Well done class 8.


Miss Hilton and Miss o’neill

Learning to tell the time



This week year 2 are learning how to tell the time for quarter past and quarter to the hour. If you want an extra challenge then you can learn to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes.


The link above might give you a helping hand and there are similar ones on you tube too.


Lots of children find time tricky but practice makes perfect so any additional help would be fantastic.


Thank you


Miss Hilton, Mrs Faulding and Mrs Burton

researching the past



This afternoon class 8 have been researching the old cinema in Thorne using different sources of information. Everyone has loved using the chromebooks to discover facts about how this building has changed over the years.

Non fiction texts


Class 8 have been fantastic at working in groups to identify the features of a non fiction text today. This is an area of writing we don’t get to see very often in year 2 in English but the children were really focused and were great at supporting each other to remember what we had modelled as a class. Well done class 8 great effort!



Congratulations to the KS1 raffle winners!

Well done Chloe, Jamie, Jack and Eve for winning the raffle prizes for our reading competition.   We are super proud of your hard work.

Don’t forget everyone there will be another draw in 4 weeks so another 8 chances to get a ticket with your name on it.  Remember bring your reading pack into school to change!