If you would like to access all of the photographs from the Year 5 and 6 trips to Harry Potter Studios (there are a lot!!) then please follow the links below!
Enjoy looking through!
Year 6: Year 6 Photographs
Year 5: Year 5 Photographs
If you would like to access all of the photographs from the Year 5 and 6 trips to Harry Potter Studios (there are a lot!!) then please follow the links below!
Enjoy looking through!
Year 6: Year 6 Photographs
Year 5: Year 5 Photographs
Please join us for a non- uniform day!
All we ask is if you could kindly donate prizes for Year 5/6 Tombola!
The Tombola is to raise money in support of Thorne miniature railway.
Ash Hill is hosting an open evening for Year 5 and 6 students who are interested in finding out more about their school. If you are interested in attending then please see the information below.
More photographs from our day at the Harry Potter studios!
As Year 6 parents will know, the deadline to choose a secondary school is fast approaching. Trinity Academy are able to host a live Year 6 open evening again this year.
The key details are:
The Trinity Academy Year 6 Open Evening will take place on Thursday 23 September 2021.
Doors open at 4.45pm for a 5pm start.
The evening will begin with a presentation, followed by a tour of the school with current students.
The evening ends at 6.30pm.
The information is on their website on their Year 6 transition page which will be updated throughout the year and the below link may be useful too.
Help! All of the witches and wizards of Green Top have escaped!
If you see them, please do not approach them or try to use magic to capture them – they may be dangerous!
Watch the video and let us know of their whereabouts!
Please find further information and details here:
Dear Parents,
We are so excited about our first school trip as year 6 to HARRY POTTER STUDIO TOUR (LONDON) – Wednesday 15th September 2021.
We would just like to remind you of the following:
The coaches will leave school at 8.30am – please arrive at your classroom by 8am.
The coaches will return to school at approximately 8pm (we will keep you informed via text).
Please take into account the length of the day we will be out when packing lunches. Children will require extra food in their packed lunch – eg. Cereal bar in the morning, normal packed lunch and a snack prior to leaving the studio plus at least 3 drinks. Pupils entitled to Free School Meals will be provided with a packed lunch from school including all above snacks.
Children need to wear their school jumper/cardigan and top, jogging bottoms / leggings and comfortable footwear.
We will have the opportunity to visit the Harry Potter Studios shop, we ask that children take no more than £20. Please ensure that their money is in a named wallet / purse.
Children MUST NOT bring a mobile phone on the visit but they are welcome to bring a camera (they will need to look after it themselves). They may also bring a book or something to do on the coach that isn’t electronic.
Finally, if your child suffers from travel sickness, please ensure that they take their tablet before arriving at school and then bring one in a named envelope for the return journey.
Yours sincerely
K Overson
Y5/6 Phase Leader
Year 5/6 have had a magical day today experiencing lots of different Harry Potter themed lessons! Check out our day below!
Keep an eye out for our ‘behind the magic’ video coming soon too!