Family Learning in Class 7

Just look at these!!! 🌟

We had an amazing (and slightly messy) family learning on Monday afternoon in Class 7!

In groups, children and grown ups worked together to create different features around Thorne. I wonder if you can guess what all of them are?

Huge thank you to all of the grown ups who attended, it’s always greatly appreciated!

Mrs Faulding

Team Work Makes the Dream Work!

This morning Class 7 showed what a fabulous team they are. They took part in lots of different collaboration task in both Maths and English and showed support and encouragement for their peers.

I was so proud of you all 🙂

Well done

Mrs Burton

PS don’t forget to bring reading books and homework books tomorrow.

Make each day your masterpiece 🌟


Here’s what Class 7 have been getting up to this week…

In our fluency for reading starters we have been listening to the audio book of The Three Little Pigs. The children make sure they are laying comfortably and close their eyes so that they can really focus and listen. After each part of the story, we have a discussion about what happened in that part of the story!

In Literacy Labs, we’ve watched a story about a little boy who creates his dream house and have split off in to three different groups to do different activities. One group were making their own dream house out of building blocks, another group designed their own dream house with different rooms linking to the text and the final group completed comprehension questions. It’s been so much fun!!

I’ve also included a little clip of our daily wake up, shake up routine that we do to get us ready for the day ahead!

Enjoy 😊

Mrs Faulding x

Clock Game 🕰

In English this week, Class 7 have been learning the features of a short story, just before they have a go at writing their own short story next week! To ensure that the children are confident with each feature we played the clock game with the different features scattered around a picture of our class text and the children had to take turns turning one over at a time and explain how these features have been used in our text, Beegu.

I was extremely impressed with the links that they made with the class text, always thinking outside of the box.

Well done everyone, you worked very hard! 🌟

Mrs Faulding x


Home Learning 🎨 🏠

Just take a look at these amazing creations by Amy and Eve in Class 7!

Linked to our theme, ‘Would you like to live in a place like this?’ Eve has recreated her favourite place in Thorne, right by the canal where she and her family walk their dog Phoebe and Amy has amazingly created a box model of her family home- both made with so much care and detail.

Well done girls (and I’m sure grown ups at home too) these are incredible! 50 housepoints 🌟🌟🌟

Keep up the hard work!

Mrs Faulding x

Going for Silver 🥈

A huge well done to Oscar in Crew Faulding/Burton on achieving your Silver award in reading. What a fantastic effort. Hard work pays off!

Keep up the super efforts Oscar, not long to go now until you’re at 100!!!! 🎉 We are all so proud of you! 50 housepoints!!


This week C7 are all feeling very proud of Jesse, not only has he been a shining star at school but outside of school too. This week he has been rewarded with his yellow belt in Martial Arts! Amazing!

Mrs Burton 🙂