Class 10 – Shoutouts Galore!

WowWowWow! What an amazing bunch of talented and hardworking children we have in Class 10 – I have been blown away and completely bowled over by the beautiful homework and out of school achievements everyone has shared with me this week. Keep it coming, guys – I am so proud of you all! Mrs Dutton x

Year 3 | Uniform, PE and XP Outdoors

School uniform and equipment:

  • Please ensure all uniform is labelled with your child’s name. This ensures we have minimal to no lost property in school.
  • Please ensure children bring a bag to school each day to keep their belongings safe. Children are asked to keep many things safe in their backpack and it also helps children to carry all of their belongings at the end of the day (water bottles, jumpers, cardigans, letters etc).
  • All children should bring a name labelled water bottle filled with water only every day.

PE and XP Outdoors:

In Year 3, PE will be on a Monday afternoon and XP Outdoors will take place on a Wednesday. Below is a list of the required kit for each day.

Class 10 Shout Out

A shout out this week to our crew member, Charlotte who has recently achieved her 100m swimming certificate outside of school. A huge well done, Charlotte – we are all so proud of you!


Year 3 | WW2 Expert

What a pleasure it was for the children in Year 3 today as they were able to listen to our special guest Mick from Doncaster’s Victoria Cross Trust, who was kind enough to come in and talk to the children all about the Second World War.

We were able to learn about a local hero who received the Victoria Cross as well as experience some of the equipment and uniforms used by soldiers during the war.

Class 10 Shout Outs!

Big shout outs today go to Aria and Freya!

Over the summer, Aria has completed a big reading challenge at the local library – reading for 10 minutes every day! Aria was so in love with her reading that she wouldn’t even put her book down as she helped mum in the supermarket with her shopping … well done, Aria – keep up the fantastic work and hopefully we can all take a leaf out of your book and do the same!

And, Freya has brought in our very first piece of homework – a fantastic model of an air raid shelter like those used in WW2. Brilliant work, Freya – you’ve done a super job! I wonder what you might choose from the Homework Menu next?

Sculpture club

Just want to say a big thank you to sculpture club. They were fab at listening and learning about the different paper sculpture techniques this week! Check out what they have done below. A few more techniques to show them next week, but they have been set a challenge to think about what they’d like to start to make. Ensuring they apply some of these techniques to create something 3D!

Year 3 – PE and XP Outdoors

Year 3 will have PE on Mondays and XP Outdoors on Wednesdays. Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and kit for these activities. If needed, children can keep a bag with their kit in on their pegs for the week but this must be taken home on Fridays each week.

Thank you, Mrs Dutton and Mr Taylor

Class 10 – Evacuees

We’ve had a brill start to our expedition hook week today by learning all about evacuees and their experiences in WW2. We made wooden peg fighter planes and cardboard gas mask boxes before taking a trip as a evacuees to a local church where we wrote letters home and thought about the things we would take with us in a real evacuation.

A big shout out to those children who were able to dress up – you all looked amazing!

Year 3/4 | Evacuation Day!

This morning, the children were getting crafty by creating World War 2 planes out of clothes pegs.

We then learnt about evacuation during the Second World War, and looked at how children would each have their own gas mask to take with them. This led to us making our very own gas mask boxes!

In the afternoon, we were lucky enough to visit Thorne Methodist Church. We imagined ourselves as evacuees and wrote letters home to our parents!