How many of these children’s books can you work out from the emojis? Add your answers in the comments!
Class 10 – Fabulous Learners
We are celebrating even more fabulous home learning this week in Class 10. Ava and Freya have been practising handwriting, Reid has been creative with his aqua beads and Tosia with making a poppy wreath, and … McKenzie has loved doing maths in school with Mr Overson. Meanwhile, Eli has been enjoying reading Captain Underpants and Jack has been doing all sorts of different home learning, including using his new skills from art and sculpture club with Mrs Pearson. Well done boys and girls – you are all doing amazing!!
Class 10 – Faith Day
On Friday, Class 10 enjoyed our Faith Day focus by learning all about the World’s most popular religions. Children created a fact file that compared the symbols, places of worship and sacred books of the five most followed religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. We can’t wait to learn more about the different religions as the year goes on! Well done everyone 🙂
Class 10 – Football with YourPE
This morning, Class 10 have enjoyed their extra PE session with Coach Morgan from YourPE. We used games like tiggy scarecrow to practise our awareness and passing skills ready for playing football games on the pitch!
Class 10 – BBK all about rationing in WW2
Today in our Expedition learning, we have been finding out about rationing through a group quiz and reading task to locate the answers. Did you know that rationing lasted for 9 years after the war ended, so 14 years in total!? At home, why not ask us about the foods that were rationed and the mottos ‘Make Do and Mend’ and ‘Dig for Victory!’.
Class 10 – Home Learning
We have more fabulous home learning to share from Class 10 – well done everybody, our home learning display is looking fantastic!
Year 3 Spelling – w.c.23.9.2024
Here are the spellings we are learning about in school this week to practise at home:
Year 3 Family Learning- 10th October
Parents and carers of Year 3 are warmly welcome to join us for Family Learning on Thursday 10th October. The session will start at 1:30pm in your child’s classroom (please access school through the school office). To tie in with our second case study, we will be experimenting with digital artwork using iPads. We look forward to seeing you there!
Class 10 – PE kit needed on Friday 27th September
On Friday 27th September, Class 10 will be taking part in an extra PE session with our PE provider, YourPE. Please can you ensure that your child has their PE kit with them on this date. Thank you.
Class 10 – Reading Update & Clarification
It was lovely to see how excited the children were yesterday with their new reading diaries and a chance to choose their own books from our Accelerated Reader library. Today, we spent some time with our books in the classroom and the children blew me away with their fantastic attitudes and enthusiasm once again. Keep it up everyone!
To clarify expectations for reading at home:
- Please can you ensure your child brings their diary and level book/s to school with them every day.
- Children are expected to place their diary / reading books into their trays each morning so that they are readily available throughout the day.
- At the end of the day, children should retrieve their diary and book/s to take home.
- At home, please try to listen to your child read at least 3 times a week and record this briefly in their diary.
- Going forwards, I will check in with children’s reading diaries from time to time to share notes for next steps and updates where necessary.
At the front of children’s diaries is a QR code to take them to the Accelerated Reader website where they can login and quiz on the books they have read. This will help to support their comprehension development and is an important part of their reading journey. This sticker also details your child’s book level band which is where they will select their school level books from. This level has been set following your child’s Star Reader assessment. Children are still encouraged to read other books that engage and challenge them, and we welcome these being shared in their reading diaries as well.
Alongside reading at home, children will be given the opportunity to read and quiz during set times at school. Once children have finished a book, please encourage them to swap their book/s for a new choice from the book band boxes in the classroom. Children are responsible for changing their books and this can be done at any point in the week.
Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Dutton x