Class 9 | Home Learning

Last weekend, Arnie went to the local library, picked out a book on the human body and went home and read it. Arnie also designed a poster on good and bad things for teeth which he brought in to show the rest of the class.

Class 9 | Hook Week – The Human Body

The Human Body

We have been looking at some of the different organs that are inside our bodies. We began by drawing an outline of ourselves and then cut out different coloured shapes to make the different organs.

The Digestive System

In groups, we used playdough to recreate the organs that form part of the digestive system.

Year 3 XP Outdoors- Flint & Steel

Year 3 Crews began their XP Outdoors again for the spring term. 

The challenge: Who still remembers how to use flint and steel was done by Year 4 yesterday so obviously Year 3 had to beat them.

They challenged themselves even more without having any instructions, there were some questionable strikes to start, but soon everyone got the hang of it with amazing efforts from all.

What another great way to start the term-bring it on, Year 3!

Class 9 | Mr Taylor SLC Appointments

I still have some time slots available for those parents who haven’t yet booked a place for their child’s SLC appointment. The children have been spending time this week looking back through all of the different pieces of work that they are proud of.

If you still need an appointment, please email me or see me on the school door at either the beginning or end of the day. Thank you.

Class 9 | Hook Week

We have been getting involved with our new expedition and immersing our classroom. We will be spending some time looking at the human skeleton this term so we decided to create a ‘X-ray’ of our hands!

LKS2 – Green Top art takes pride of place with The Victoria Cross Trust

We were so pleased with the turnout for our presentation of learning / Christmas production on Monday – thank you to all who could make it! And, we were especially proud to be joined by our special guests, Keith and Mick, from The Victoria Cross Trust. They were thrilled to receive their gifts from the children and they now take pride of place amongst all their other awards and memorabilia in the Trust shop:

Year 3 | Christmas Play

A quick reminder for parents that children can come to school on Monday morning in the clothes that they will be wearing for the school concert. Children with a singing or narrating part can wear a Christmas jumper with either jeans or school trousers and then pack their school uniform in their bags to change back into when returning to school. Thank you!