Year 3 – PE and XP Outdoors

Year 3 will have PE on Mondays and XP Outdoors on Wednesdays. Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and kit for these activities. If needed, children can keep a bag with their kit in on their pegs for the week but this must be taken home on Fridays each week.

Thank you, Mrs Dutton and Mr Taylor

Class 9 | Home Learning!

Well done to Phoenix who has been learning about the ‘Make do and Mend’ campaign during the Second World War, where people were encouraged to repair and reuse clothing when possible. Phoenix has been practising using his mum’s sewing machine and over locker and we can’t wait to see what items he can make!

Year 3/4 | Evacuation Day!

This morning, the children were getting crafty by creating World War 2 planes out of clothes pegs.

We then learnt about evacuation during the Second World War, and looked at how children would each have their own gas mask to take with them. This led to us making our very own gas mask boxes!

In the afternoon, we were lucky enough to visit Thorne Methodist Church. We imagined ourselves as evacuees and wrote letters home to our parents!

Class 9 | Home Learning!

Well done to Arnie who has been creating a set of instructions on how to make a jam sandwich. This was part of his learning around evacuee children during the Second World War. Well done Arnie!

Y3/4 – Homework Menu and Parent Overview Screenshots

It has been brought to our attention that there is currently an issue with parents accessing the links shared in our previous blog about the Homework Menu and Parent Overview for Autumn 24/25. We are looking into this and hope to have the matter resolved as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we will continue to grant access where requested when the links are clicked on but for now, please see screenshots below for the information being shared.

Thank you for your patience, LKS2 team x