Brownies for our local key workers!

Today we had great fun making brownies for the local key workers in our community. With help from Michael, our school cook, we made brownies from scratch with excellent collaborative work. The brownies will be put into the packaging, made and designed by the children, and will be gifted to key workers in our community to show our appreciation for their efforts in lockdown. We will be visiting places in Thorne and Moorends this week to hand deliver our gifts. Keep your eyes posted for more Y3/4 blogs this week!

Year 3/4 phase assembly!

What a wonderful catch up in year 3 and 4 today. Staff gave shout outs to crew members that had gone above and beyond this week in our HOWLs of ‘working hard, being kind and getting smart’. This week a lot of discussion was around children demonstrating hard work in their assessments. Well done to Crew Mumby this week, you narrowly won this week’s Howl point challenge and spun the wheel to win DOUBLE FUNKY FRIDAY TIME!

The challenge is now on in each crew to work hard, be kind and get smart in all that you do to win a spin of the wheel!

I wonder: Discuss with your crew leaders prizes that you’d like to see on our wheel of fortune! Leave a comment below if you wish.


Well done, Courtney!

I have been really impressed with Courtney’s work this week. She has grappled with tricky concepts and has worked incredibly hard! I have attached her high quality work from today. Well done Courtney you are today’s Learning Legend!


We are scientists! The water cycle!

Well Crew Mumby have blown me away with their scientific knowledge this week! This half-term we’ve been learning about changing states and this week focused on the water cycle. We used active games to learn the key vocabulary that we added to our anchor chart. Using the anchor chart, every crew member created their own mini cycle based on the learning. I was very impressed by their articulation of the cycle and the way they could use scientific vocabulary. If your child is in year 4, please ask them the following questions to further their learning at home:


  • What is the process called where the liquid becomes a gas by heat? Clue- it begins with an E


  • What causes the gas to become a liquid again?


  • What is the scientific word for rain, sleet, snow, hail? Clue- it begins with P


  • Give an example when condensation occurs 

Challenge question:

True or false?

Water evaporates faster with more heat.

Can you explain why?

Feel free to comment below for extra Howl points for ‘working hard’ at home




Mr Mumby

Collaborative English work

The children were picking out features of non-chronological reports today, ready for their extended writing. To recap the features they needed to find, they worked collaboratively to discuss what they meant and examples of each. They really surprised me with how well they supported their crew members to think of and find examples of these features in the example texts.

Super work as always class 14

Mrs Shaw x

Year 4 Mayan research

Year 4 have been learning all about the Mayans this term and they used their English lesson today to research more information about them. They have read reports, watched educational videos and made notes, which class 14 can use in their extended writing on Friday.

They really showed maturity and used a lot of different skills, most importantly peer collaboration, in order to discover a lot of relative information. Well done, super work as always class 14.

Mrs Shaw x

Children in Need!

A fantastic effort from both parents and children to this years Children In Need. Thank you for getting involved!!