The Masked Reader!!

The Masked Reader is finally here!

Can you guess which teacher is hiding under each mask?

Submit your answers below – good luck!


Google form link:


Lola has taken part in a walking challenge with Thorne ladies netball team; a team which her mum plays netball with.

They took on the challenge as a team to walk from lands end to John O’Groats and back virtually, which they completed before the end of February and so they then walked back to Doncaster! Lola also took part in this challenge and as a team they have walked over 2200 miles and raised over £2600 for pancreatic cancer.

Lola wanted to share this amazing achievement before logging her own steps this week as part of the whole school challenge to walk the same distance in March! We are very excited to see the steps stacking up and can’t wait to share the weekly totals with you all! Thanks for sharing Lola and mum!!

Throughout March, as a school we are planning to walk from John o Groats to Lands end and back! That’s 1,748 miles!

If my calculations are correct as a school we only need to do 110,505 steps a day! Easy!

So charge up your fit bits and smart watches and get your walking shoes ready!

At the end of the week complete the google form that I have attached to this blog and we will record your steps. There will be weekly prizes in school for most steps in a week and all school staff will be getting involved too.

Good luck and I hope you enjoy the challenge





Très bien Emmeline! 🇫🇷

In French today, Year 4 labelled and described clothing using colours.

Emmeline went one step further and wrote her own sentences describing the outfits of her favourite characters on Google classroom.
Well done my little superstar!!