Super Skills! ⚽️

I was super impressed with all the hard work from my super footballing group during PE today. Everyone worked together to practice their skills, defending techniques and building their confidence then we finished off with a mini game to show off our new skills!


Positive and Negative numbers!

This morning, we enjoyed learning about negative numbers. In collaborative groups, the children practiced adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers using number lines. We then practiced ordering and sequencing number patterns.

Lots of great collaboration and coaching skills – Well done everyone!

Roman Numeral treasure hunt!

As part of hook week, Crew Myers and Crew Mumby enjoyed solving a Roman Numeral treasure hunt to practice converting numerals to numbers.

The children had so much fun searching in the sunshine to find the punchline to Roman jokes using the answers that they found.

Well done everyone and an extra shoutout to Oscar and Theo for being the first to find the answers!

💭I Wonder if you can remember the jokes to tell an adult at home.

Which famous Roman suffered from Hayfever?


How was the Roman Empire cut in half?

Super out of school achievements

Well done to these boys on the trophies they received at their end of year football presentation. I’m looking forward to hearing about their season as the year progresses. I know, from playing with them at Funky Friday Time that they are a great, talented team. Well done boys, it’s lovely to hear about your achievements out of school. #upthestingers

A great start to our Year 4 adventure

Crew Mumby have had a great start to year 4 with 2 fantastic days so far. I have been impressed by their kindness to each other and their attitude to bonding as a newly formed crew. This week we have taken part in team building activities, created norms based on how we want our class to work and completed work to a high quality.

The pictures below show Tuesday’s crew challenge- ‘The Leaning Tower of Feetza’. The task was to create the tallest tower from shoes!

keep your eyes peeled on the blog for outstandingly amazing work produced by my crew this week!

Crew Mumby take on the paper cup challenge!

Can you make a paper cup tower without touching the cups? Well that was today’s challenge in Crew Mumby….

The newly formed Crew Mumby demonstrated some superb communication skills along with teamwork this morning during our ‘cup challenge’ activity. I was particularly impressed with the children’s resilience if the tower fell. I am pleased to say that all groups managed to construct a large tower! Well done all, our challenge tomorrow is the spaghetti tower!!