Y5/6 Community Crew Meeting

Another week, another lovely opportunity to get our Y5 and Y6 crews together to celebrate all things Green Top!

Lots of shout outs for yesterday’s trip to Trinity by the athletics team – well done all for coming 2nd overall. And, more shout outs across the phase for some fantastic collaboration going into preparing our lectures on space for next week – we can’t wait to see you there.

A huge well done to all of our HOWL point winners as well as our OOTW champions too, and thank you to those parents who were able to join us as part of their celebration.

Christmas opportunities in the community

Please see the attached flyers for some of the events happening in our local community over the Christmas period.

Choir – Thorne Christmas Light Switch On!

Next Friday is the Christmas Light Switch on at Thorne Market Place. Choir/Young Voices Crew have been invited to go along to join with other children from other primary schools to sing songs and join in the festivities.

Please see the letter below for further details. Can all children that attend Choir/Young Voices let me know if you will be attending.

Miss Myers x

Y5/6 Science lecture at Trinity

This morning, Y5 and Y6 visited Trinity to listen to a science lecture linked to their expedition about space and forces. This gave them the opportunity to experience what it is like to give a lecture and present their learning. This will support them in preparing their own for our celebration of learning.

Well done everyone for being great ambassadors for Green Top, with excellent learning attitudes and behaviour whilst on our visit. I know you impressed Mr Taylor, Head of Science, with your subject knowledge.

Y6 SPaG site to support home learning

Please find a link below to a SPaG revision website that I have created to support the children in developing their knowledge of grammar, punctuation and spelling rules. This knowledge is tested on the Year 6 SPaG papers.

Here is the link: https://sites.google.com/greentopschool.org/year-6-spag-revision/home

I hope you find it useful and it supports any learning at home. I will continue to add to it throughout the year and set homework linked to areas we need to focus on.

Thank you

Mrs Jackson

Crew Mumby write as scientists!

Last week, Crew Mumby wrote like scientists in their touchdown pieces of writing. Some children chose to write up an experiment based on air resistance whilst others chose to write about water resistance. We talked about the formality of the piece, ensuring we included scientific vocabulary and that scientific theories were explained clearly. Our reports included data that we had collected in our science lessons which also supported our conclusions. I have really enjoyed reading these this weekend, Crew Mumby- Great work!