Another lovely week full of positive shoutouts, awards and Crew Champions. Well done Y5/6!

Another lovely week full of positive shoutouts, awards and Crew Champions. Well done Y5/6!
Over the next week Year 6 will be focusing on spellings linked to root words. The children will be tested on the following spellings before half term. Click on the video if you need to remind yourself about what root words are.
create – creation – creative
happy – unhappy – happily – happiness
music – musical – musician
Another lovely week full of positive shoutouts, awards and Crew Champions. An added shoutout to our Reading Stars for this week who have been able to choose a book as their reward.
As part of National Libraries Week, we paid a visit to Thorne Library this morning. Everyone enjoyed sharing books, completing activities and helping put books back on to the shelves. Well done Crew Ambler!
Well done to our super star readers in Year 5/6! With it being reading week, they were able to choose a brand new book to celebrate! Some great choices!
Please remember to send your child with appropriate XP Outdoors kit suitable for the weather – especially now it is getting colder and wetter! Appropriate footwear is essential as the children spend time in the grassy XP Outdoors area.
A reminder of the days that XP Outdoors takes place:
A further reminder of the suggested XP Outdoors kit –
How many of these children’s books can you work out from the emojis? Add your answers in the comments!
This morning in expedition we have been looking at the importance of the moon to Earth and our solar system. We created anchor charts based on the information we had learnt in preparation for our lecture. Well done Crew Ambler.
Well done to our Y5&6 girls who won the tag rugby festival on Friday at Thornensians. Even though the girls have never played rugby before they played fantastic throughout the whole tournament and won every game they played. Well done girls!
This week in reading we have been looking at the lyrics to David Bowie’s Space Oddity. The children have been really hooked and engaged in their reading this week and even had time for a sing along! Well done Crew Ambler.