Children in Need – dress up day!

Next week we will be celebrating Children in Need on Thursday 18th November!

Thursday will be a dress up day where we are inviting children to wear something spotty and bright coloured! Any donations on the dress up day for Children in Need will be gratefully received.

Our school council are also holding a couple of competitions which will be running next week.

  1. Drawing of Pudsey competition
  2. Design a Children in Need T-shirt

Year 4 – Times Tables Rock Star – Friday dress up!

Good morning,

On Friday (12/11/21), year 4 and year 4 teachers are dressing up as rock stars to promote Times Tables Rockstars and conclude ‘Maths Week’ at Green Top. Please don’t feel that you need to go out and buy anything, we’re just aiming for a rock starish look and an afternoon of using this site to practice our TIMES TABLES!

A wonderful start to Maths Week!

We’ve had a great start to Maths Week with lots of the Y5/6 children guessing how many sweets are in the tub, lots of great, engaging maths lessons, and lots of lovely maths stories shared in crew!

The LC have loved going in to the Y3/4 maths lessons to see maths in action and they are looking forward to going in to Y5/6 maths lessons tomorrow!

Here is a sneak peak of all the wonderful maths that Y3/4 have been up to today!

A snippet of learning time in Class 13

This week, amongst many great activities, Crew Oldridge have been using their uncover outdoor area to practice their use of column method. Also, in expedition, they have been taking on the role of teacher. Informing their peers about life in Britain after the disappearance of Boudicca.

Super Skills! ⚽️

I was super impressed with all the hard work from my super footballing group during PE today. Everyone worked together to practice their skills, defending techniques and building their confidence then we finished off with a mini game to show off our new skills!