Tag rugby

This week we had our first PE lesson on tag rugby.

We played wheel tag where the children were split into groups and there was an IT person and a catcher in each.

All class 9 were really involved in the game and I think they will be fantastic at building those skills ready for rugby as the weeks go on.


Year 3 PE

Year 3 PE will start next week (14th September). Our PE day is Monday. 

Children need to come to school in their normal uniform and we will get changed before PE. PE kit needs to be a green or white plain t-shirt and black trousers or shorts. Trainers can be brought to change into.

We will be outside weather permitted.

If you have any questions please let us know.

Miss Barnett and Miss Tortora

Making maths fun

In class we have started to look at ordering numbers and as a crew we thought we would try and order our shoes sizes from smallest to largest.

The teamwork was fantastic and the scale of shoes at the end was amazing.

Super skills building in Crew Tortora.