How many of these children’s books can you work out from the emojis? Add your answers in the comments!

How many of these children’s books can you work out from the emojis? Add your answers in the comments!
Well done to our Y5&6 girls who won the tag rugby festival on Friday at Thornensians. Even though the girls have never played rugby before they played fantastic throughout the whole tournament and won every game they played. Well done girls!
A huge shout out to our Crew Councillor Letti and Rowan for completing this weeks Extended Study Task. They have both drawn a poster with information about their favourite books to recommend them to a friend. These will look fab in our reading area!
Well done guys!
This week our spelling focus are words ending in ‘ible’ and ‘able’
Our spelling words that you could practice at home are:
A huge well done and thank you to Lara and her family for bringing in lots of donations for our recycling collection. You’ve made a great start to filling up the bin. Our Crew Councillor Letti also helped to organise the donations. Well done girls!
Huge shout out to this weeks winners – super proud of you all!
At the end of the day today, we explored more about space and read a story about the dog Laika who was the first animal sent to space. We investigated more about the animals that had survived the trip and was amazed with the large variety that have been sent into the orbit!
A shout out to Libby for having the courage to read the story to our crew this afternoon!
Here are the spellings Year 5 are focusing on this week. You can help at home by practicing with your child.
This morning, we enjoyed investigating the different phases of the moon and finding out what causes them. Everyone enjoyed recreating the phases with some Oreos then we recreated the cycle by drawing the different phases.
Just as Libby commented “Today’s expedition lesson has been fun and yummy!”
Well done everyone! x