Year 1 and 2 Presentation of learning

Reminder for parents and carers!

Key stage 1 will be holding a presentation of learning in the school hall on Thursday 28th November starting at 2.00pm.

This is a chance for you to see what the children have been learning about this term. We will open the doors for anyone who wishes to come to our presentation from 1.45pm.

We hope to see you there.

KS1 crew x

Key stage 1 community crew assembly

A huge well done to our year 1 and 2 superstars this week. We have celebrated stewards, HOWL point winners, numbots and TT rockstars winners, as well as Crew Stone being our attendance champions again this week!

Well done to all of our children who received reading certificates this week too, it was great to see so many children achieving their 30 reads at home…please keep going with this…it really does make a difference!

I also need to mention our crew champions this week who deserved their awards so much. I love hearing all about the fantastic things you have been up to every week.

Thanks so much to all of the parents too for coming, it was lovely to see you in school and get to know you!

Year 1: Phonics

This week in Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers phonics groups we are learning /ea/ ‘Time for tea’. We now know 3 different ways to write this sound – /ee/, /ea/ and /e/.

Mrs Clay’s group have been revisiting /air/ – Air on hair

Miss Cooper’s group have been revisiting /ch/ – The chipmunk chooses cheese

Letter Join Login Details

Following our wonderful parents/carers phonics session today, and in preparation for our lesson tomorrow, I am re-posting this blog with instructions on how to access and log in to Letter Join. In addition to this I have added a list of links to phonics game websites and links to other useful activities to support the children’s learning…

Here are the login details for you to access this wonderful letter formation app that is available online or from the ‘Other Apps’ section of the Green Top website. To access either log in at from a web browser or click the icon below in the top right hand corner of the Green Top website and scroll down to the Letter-Join app.

On the home screen, choose either the ‘Desktop’ or ‘Tablet’ option depending on which you are using and enter the log in details from the screenshot below. Once you are logged in, choose ‘Year 1’ and off you go! You can watch the letters being formed and then have a go at forming them yourself. This does work on a laptop but is much more effective using the touchscreen on a tablet or IPad. Anyone who sends in a photograph of them using the letter formation activities will earn 20 HoWL points!

Any questions please ask.


Miss R x

How To Pronounce The 26 Letter Sounds

RED WORDS SET 1 | Read Write Inc. Words | Tricky Words | Star Words | Phonics Song | LOU BEE ABC

RED WORDS SET 2 | RWI | Tricky Words | Phonics Song | Sight Words | Star Words | LOU BEE ABC

RED WORDS SET 3 | tricky words | phonics song for EYFS and KS1 | Read Write Words | Star Words

YEAR 1 Common Exception Words UK | CE words | Sight Words | LOU BEE ABC

Year 2 Common Exception Words | Sight Words UK | LOU BEE ABC

Year 1: Phonics Family Learning

We would like to invite parents of Year 1 children to join our Phonics and Shared Reading lessons for a day. This will be a live lesson with a teacher delivering the normal daily lesson to a group of children. You are invited to observe the lesson and to partner up with your child so they can show you the skills they are learning. As this is a live lesson we are unfortunately unable to allow any younger siblings into the classrooms for these sessions.

This session will be useful for parents/carers to see how children learn phonics in school and how they learn to read and write. This will help parents understand how they can support children at home with their school reading books.

As we have 4 phonics groups these sessions will need to take place over two days:

Tuesday 12th November – Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers phonics groups

Wednesday 13th November – Miss Cooper and Mrs Clay’s phonics groups

Your child will bring a letter home tomorrow highlighting which day you are able to attend.

The session will run from 9am-10am. Tea and coffee will be available in the school hall after 8:30am for parents to wait for the sessions to begin. Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers will also be available at 10am after the sessions have finished if you have any further questions or concerns.

We kindly ask that you arrive to the lesson promptly as late comers will impact on the children’s learning.

We hope you can make it!

Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers

Class 5: Lincoln Castle

Class 5 had an amazing day on our first day back at school after the half term break! We travelled on a big coach all the way to Lincoln to explore Lincoln Castle! We walked along the walls of the castle and looked at the view. We also took part in some super workshops. We enjoyed acting out a medieval banquet, making swords, handling armour and shooting bows and arrows! It was so much fun. One of the highlights of the day was of course lunchtime! The children enjoyed having an indoor picnic and catching up with their friends. It was lovely to see the awe and wonder on the children’s faces throughout the day. The coach journey home was a lot quieter than on the way there 🙂

Year 1: Phonics

This week the children in Miss Schon and Miss Rodger’s groups are learning ‘ou – Shout it out’. We are also remembering ‘ow – brown cow’. When spelling words we are learning which words are spelt using /ou/ and which ones are spelt using /ow/. We are also continuing to practise our reading fluency. Can we read sentences fluently without having to sound out the words? The children can practise this in their reading books at home by re-reading sentences or pages in their books so they can see they are able to read faster and more effortlessly. Please encourage children to read their reading books more than once so they feel they have achieved this.

Year 1 Trip

We hope the children are excited for our class trip tomorrow!

Just a few things to note for our trip tomorrow:

Please could all children come to school wearing their normal school uniform and comfortable, sensible footwear. It is not currently due to rain tomorrow but a sensible coat and footwear is essential. We will be spending time both inside and outdoors during our visit. Please can children bring a backpack to keep all their belongings in such as their packed lunch and a spare change of clothes. This also helps us to ensure children’s belongings do not go missing throughout the day. Children will also need to be able to carry their own belongings to and from the coach/destination so a backpack really helps with this.

Children do not need any spending money for the trip.

Please ensure children arrive promptly at 8:30am for the register and to board the coaches!

We can’t wait to see you all tomorrow!