Class 5: Presentation of Learning

Class 5 Presentation of learning will take place on Tuesday 25th March at 2pm. Children will be showcasing their skills of cutting, peeling and grating and will be earning their shrinky dink keyring charms in return for showcasing their skills! We can’t wait to show off our skills and receive our shrinky dink products. We hope you can join us.

Green Top Science Week

Keep a look out on the blog this week for what we will be getting up to in our science weeks. We are planning to inspire the children with scientific experiments and visitors with scientific professions! We are very excited to see what the children know already and what they learn!


Y1 Extra PE Tomorrow

Reminder that Year 1 have extra PE this half term on Fridays with our PE coach. Please can all children bring a suitable outdoor PE kit – tracksuit and trainers/something suitable for the weather. If the weather is not suitable PE will take place indoors instead.

Thank You

Class 5 World Book Day

We have had lots of fun today celebrating World Book Day. The children looked amazing! The children also had a secret vote for their favourite costumes. Well done to our Top 4 favourites – The White Rabbit (Bella), Mary Poppins (Hero), Harry Potter (Luther) and Charizard (Logan). You all looked absolutely amazing.

Year 1 Fire Lighting – XP Outdoors

This afternoon, Year 1 students had an exciting XP Outdoor session as they learned the skill of fire lighting using flint and steel!

We discovered how sparks are made by striking flint against steel. With patience, focus, and plenty of determination, they practiced creating tiny sparks—watching in amazement as they ignited cotton wool to start a very small fire.

Not only was it fun but also a fantastic way to learn about fire safety, resilience, and the behind the scenes of fire making. The children worked together, encouraging each other and celebrating every successful spark. Well Done Year 1!!!