Arise, Sir Martin. Y1’s Special Visitor.

We were very lucky today to have a visit from Sir Martin of Lamb, a knight from medieval times, who came to tell us all about castles and what it was like to live in one! He was very impressed with the children’s knowledge and we all got a chance to attack different types of castle walls to find out which one was strongest. The children had lots of fabulous questions for Sir Martin and loved having him visit.

Thanks so much for coming!

Year 1 Phonics

This week in Miss Schon and Miss Rodger’s phonics groups we have been remembering the /air/ grapheme. The children have been really impressing us with the improvement in their speed and accuracy when reading words and sentences. This week we have also seen lots more progress in children’s sentence writing. The children are working very hard and putting lots of effort into their learning! Keep it up Y1 we are so proud of you!

Can you read the words on your homework sheet? For an extra challenge can you sound out and write the words without looking?

Phonics at Home

Here are some interactive phonics games and fun songs for you to use at home to consolidate the work done by the children in class. Most of the children in Y1 are just beginning phase 4 phonics but practising any of the previous phases would be beneficial to aid fluency. If you have any questions or if any of the links don’t work, please let us know.

Miss Rodgers and Miss Schon x

How To Pronounce The 26 Letter Sounds

RED WORDS SET 1 | Read Write Inc. Words | Tricky Words | Star Words | Phonics Song | LOU BEE ABC

RED WORDS SET 2 | RWI | Tricky Words | Phonics Song | Sight Words | Star Words | LOU BEE ABC

RED WORDS SET 3 | tricky words | phonics song for EYFS and KS1 | Read Write Words | Star Words

YEAR 1 Common Exception Words UK | CE words | Sight Words | LOU BEE ABC

Year 2 Common Exception Words | Sight Words UK | LOU BEE ABC

Y1: Phonics Drop-In

We just wanted to say a huge thank you to all the families who joined us for our phonics drop-in tonight. It was so lovely to speak to you all about the children’s learning and the progress we are seeing in school. We hope it was both beneficial and fun for you all!

As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us – we are here to help!

We are also excited to be hearing about all the progress you are seeing in your own children’s learning at home. Please do share these proud moments with us via email as we love to hear when the children are making your proud at home!

We are looking forward to our next phonics session which will take place next half term. We will share more details soon!

Y1: Phonics Drop-In

Tonight is our Y1 Phonics drop in. Please come to the school hall after collecting your child if you would like to take part. We will have lots of phonics games, reading books etc for you to share with your child. Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers will be attending to help you with any questions or concerns you have regarding your child’s phonics learning.

We hope you can make it!

Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers

Key stage 1 off site visit this term

All of year 1 and 2 parents will be receiving an email about a visit that we have arranged for the children next half term, which will enhance their current expeditionary learning. Please read and respond to the letter by going onto your child’s parent pay account. We thank you for your support with providing the children with these exciting opportunities.

Key stage 1 team

Year 1 Spellings

In Year 1 we have been practising spelling red words. Red words are words which cannot be sounded out easily. It is important that children recognise that these words are red words and remember how to spell them in their writing.

In school we have been practising the words – the, to, I, no, go, he, she, we, me, be, his, into, is, of, has, ask, put

Each week we will send home a list of spellings for children to practise. The children will have the opportunity to show off their super spelling in class on Fridays. The date at the top of the spellings list is the date we will be checking spellings in school. Our first spellings check will be on Friday 27th September. Children will have the opportunity to learn these spellings in school but we would appreciate support and encouragement at home too – the children always love to show off their learning at home.

Year 1: Numbots

This week your child will be introduced to ‘Numbots’. Once we have introduced this in school your child will bring home their log-in details. Numbots is an app that will help your child to develop their mathematical skills. NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating. 

Last year we saw some amazing progress from the children who regularly played on the Numbots app. Children play games to move through levels and collect parts for their robots.

We thoroughly recommend this app to all children regardless of their current skill level. Although the first few levels appear to be easy for some children the levels will get increasingly harder. We would recommend using this app little and often. We would suggest around 3-4 minutes per day for as many days as is manageable for you as a family.

Teachers will be able to track your child’s progress as they access the app. Although your child may need you close by to explain the activity, please do not be temped to tell your child the answer. The levels are designed to build your child’s knowledge and quick recall skills and if they do not do this themselves they will find their learning difficult later. Please do not allow siblings to log in and play as your child. If your child shares a device then please ensure they are logged out when they have finished playing.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact your child’s class teacher. 

Thank you,

Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers

Useful information for parents: