KS1: Miss Schon’s Phonics Group

Over the past couple of weeks we have been focussing on our knowledge of red words and our reading fluency. I have seen lots of progress and some amazing learning attitudes from the children. It is important that children now practise their phonics homework and reading books so that they can secure their learning.

These are the red words we will be securing over the next week:

These are the sounds we need to secure:

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.

Reception and KS1 Reading Books

Last week we posted a letter explaining the changes to the way we will be changing reading books in school. We have put together some slides to offer further support to parents about the types of books your child will bring home.

Please remember to read the letter sent to parents and sign the consent form for your child to bring home their reading books. From now on we request that all children return their reading books every Friday

If you have any further questions or concerns please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Please click on the link below to access the information slides:


Year 1: Reminders for this week

There have been a few changes to our timetable recently so we wanted to confirm the key things that your child will need to being to school this week.

Tuesday: XP Outdoors Kit

Thursday: PE Kit

Thursday: Book changing day All children must return their books to school on this day

Thank you,

Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers

Key stage 1 reading books *Please read*

Reading book google form

I know that many parents are aware that we are changing how we are supporting children with their reading, moving forward. Please read the attached letter and complete the google form above.

As soon as a parent has signed the google form to say that they agree, your child will come home with their set of reading books, which will be changed on a Friday from now on.

In the meantime, please don’t worry that you don’t have school books over the weekend because any books that you read will count towards your school reading challenge.

Thank you for your support with this change