KS1 Community Crew Assembly

Big well done to our Crew Champions, we had so much to say about our superstars this week! We had some super steward shoutouts too, thank you for always helping to keep our school clean, tidy and organised.
This week in year 2 we have had a few more children getting those sparkly pencils for beautiful craftsmanship and quality in their work, presentation and handwriting.
Shoutout for those children engaging beautifully with Numbots and TTRockstars, we can really see the hard work paying off. KS1 also had some reading certificates to celebrate too, with lots of children working their way quickly through reading lots of different things. Don’t forget, it doesn’t have to be a school book to be recorded in our reading diaries!!

Finally, a big well done to Crew Shaw who won our attendance competition this week with a whopping 99%! It is so great to see the children so excited for this award, I wonder if we can get 100% next week….

KS1 Arts and Crafts club

Arts and crafts club managed to find some sun yesterday! The children sat out in the sun for the chance to draw something that they could see, before we headed back in to colour them in. They focused on all the little details around us and worked so hard to create beautiful pieces of art work! Hopefully the sun will return next week so we can get back outside.

KS1 Community Crew Meeting

Another fantastic week this week to celebrate!! KS1 have had a smashing time on Numbots recently and have taught Miss Rodgers some new types of metal as they’ve flown through the steps. Lots of lovely shoutouts for our stewardship this week too, particularly for working hard to take care of our jumpers and cardigans as the weather has got a bit warmer (fingers crossed it stays that way).
Big well done to our HOWL point winners this week, lots of hard work and quality craftsmanship from our children, we love it when you know you can be proud of your work! Crew Stone won the most attendance this week, it’s great to see how proud the children were to win Paddington the attendance bear. Well done guys!!!

Finally, big well done to our Crew Champions this week in KS1 who have been following all of our HOWLs, improving in their learning, showing respect and quality craftsmanship!

KS1 Community Crew Assembly

Some huge shoutouts this week, starting with our Crew Champions who have shone this week, big well done for your hard work and we hope to see lots more of this. Who will be stood up there next week?!

There were SO many reading certificates this week too. Particular shoutout to Arnie for getting the highest reading certificate yet and also Ezra for getting his sparkly pencil for beautiful handwriting! Loads of other wonderful people to celebrate, for their hard work on TTRockstars and Numbers, for their stewardship this week and for our HOWL point winners too! Keep it up KS1, we love to celebrate your fantastic achievements.

KS1 visit to the Pentecostal Church

We have spent a very exciting morning visiting the Pentecostal Church where we were treated to a live reading from a real life Cbeebies television star of one of her books. We sang songs and played games and generally had a wonderful time. The children behaved beautifully both on the walk to and from the Church and while listening to the story and we are all very, very proud of you.

A huge thanks to Pastor Kevin for inviting us.

Miss Rodgers, Miss Schon, Miss Good and Mrs Miller x

Diverse Doncaster – Where do I belong? KS1 extended study menu and parents overview.

Today we began our learning for our new expedition. Please find below links to the overview of what we will be learning in the summer term and extended study menu’s for Y1 and Y2. There is no obligation to complete all of the homework, but past experience has shown that studying themes at home linked to our expedition has helped the children to consolidate the learning they have done in class. Plus they LOVE sharing their new knowledge with you. Don’t forget to send the work into school or email photographs so we can celebrate their achievements.

Miss Rodgers, Miss Schon, Mrs Shaw, Miss Hilton and Miss Good x

Expedition Parent’s Overview

Y1 Extended Study Menu Summer 2024

Y2 Extended Study Menu Summer 2024

Class 6 Hook Week

We have had a very busy week in class 6 as we began our new Expedition – Diverse Doncaster. Where do I Belong?

We made double sided art work showing some of the familiar landmarks in Thorne – St. Nicholas’ Church, the water tower, Mr ap Harri’s house and Peel Hill, painted huge copies of some of these landmarks to decorate our classroom and sketched and coloured logos of some of the shops from our town. We were very lucky to have a visit from Phil Sheppard, who told us all about the books he has written and illustrated about Doncaster and gave us a live performance of some of his stories. We also used our knowledge of past and present to match some of the staff at Green Top to pictures of them when they were cute little bubbas!

We can’t wait to begin our learning next week.

Awesome Fundraising in Class 6

A huge thank you to everyone who donated, bought wristbands and badges and entered the raffle to raise money for the MND charity last week. I would also like to give a massive shout out to Elsie from class 6 and her family, who raised an outstanding £275 to buy raffle tickets. This is a cause very close to their hearts as they sadly lost Elsie’s grandad to the disease in 2011.

Once again the generosity of the Green Top community has blown us away!

Supporting Motor Neurone Disease Day 2024

Jake, in Year 6, approached the school and his crew with wanting raise awareness around MND. Being a big fan of Leeds Rhinos, he has been inspired by Rob Burrows’ bravery and the superb effort of his ex-team mate, Kevin Sinfield. As a crew, we have planned a MND day for Friday 19th April for the whole school.

We are encouraging all children to wear something white, yellow or blue for a small donation that will go directly to the MND association. We will also be holding a coffee and cake morning in our school hall, all of our parents and carers are welcome to join us from 8:45. Jake has also secured a fantastic raffle with many excellent prizes which includes:

4 Leeds Rhino tickets

4 Wigan Warrior tickets (x2)

2 Doncaster Dons tickets

4 Bradford Bulls tickets

1 signed Doncaster Dons shirt

1 £20 voucher fot Canterbury House

1 £25 voucher for Attitudes Salon

1 cut and dry voucher at Nume

1 £20 voucher at Beauty Garden

1 £10 voucher at Beauty Garden

1 30 minute facial at Nume

1 back massage at Anne Wynne

1 £20 voucher at Bradbury Butchers

1 £10 voucher at Bliss Cafe

1 voucher for KFC

1 voucher for 12 cupcakes and 2 brownie trays at Cake It

1 large sweet hamper

1 voucher 2 medium carvery at Kings Chamber

1 voucher for a man and child cut at Clippers

2 bottles of prosecco

4 bottles of wine

Tickets can be purchased at the coffee morning or by sending your child with the money- Y6 children will visit classes daily with raffle tickets. Tickets are priced at £1 each or £5 for a strip.

Alongside this, children from Crew Mumby will be selling wristbands and badges throughout the week (week commencing 15th April) and will visit all classrooms daily. Wristbands and badges are priced at £1.

I’m sure you will agree that this is a fantastic cause to support, particularly when our students organising these fantastic community events.