Year 1: Presentation of Learning

On Monday 8th July Year 1 children would like to invite their grown-ups to their presentation of learning for our Expedition ‘Diverse Doncaster – Where do I belong?’. The hall will be open from 8:30am for grown-up to get a hot drink whilst the children are registered in their classes. Children will then come to the hall to share their learning with you. The children cannot wait for you to see all their hard work!

National writing day in class 6

We had lots of fun today getting in touch with our creative sides by becoming authors. We looked at some pictures and generated ideas using the ‘back to back, face to face’ protocol, then independently wrote about a picture of our choice. Even Miss Rodgers took part!

Crew Rodgers at the Book Fayre

Crew Rodgers enjoyed a story time crew session this morning at the Book Fayre. We listened to a book called Dogs Don’t Dance by Gemma Atkinson and inspected all the books and stationary that is on sale. We had a lovely time!

KS1 sports day

Year 1 and 2 are very excited for their sports day on Friday 14th June. It will take place on the key stage 2 field and we are hoping to start by 9 o clock. Children should come to school in their PE clothes on Friday only. Can every child please be in a pair of trainers and their PE kit: black leggings / tracksuit bottoms or shorts and a PE top. The weather isn’t looking too great but we can hope for the best!

Refreshments will also be available.

Please can we ask that all parents stay behind the respect barrier so that we can safely monitor children.

See you all there and let’s all pray for some sun!

Mrs Shaw and the key stage 1 team x x

Y1 Family Learning

A huge thank you to all the parents and carers who came with us today on our family learning event. We were very lucky that the forecast rain did not make an appearance as we walked around our town looking at the landmarks that we have been learning about. How many can you spot in the slideshow below?

Key stage 1 family learning

Key stage 1 would love to invite parents and carers to come on a local walk with their children to look at various landmarks and use maps to support their learning they have been doing in geography this term. If the weather is kind to us we may even have a chance to draw some of these beautiful places and buildings as we go along our journey.

Year 1 family learning will take place on Tuesday 21st May

Year 2 family learning will take place on Wednesday 22nd May

We will be leaving school at 9 o clock but you are welcome to come into school and join the children for their morning activity from 8.30 or come back to the office for 9 o clock.

We hope to see you there, thanks, from the key stage 1 team x x x